Bil, MERCEDES, S 220, 220.065 S 320, Tire pressure monitor (TPM)
Dæk tryks overvågning - Tire pressure monitor (TPM) - 0
MB number for hardware: 00 28 20 11 26
Diagnose version: 0.0
Hardware number: 06.00
Software nummer: 07.00
Supplier: Ikke defineret
Diagnose version: 00
Stel nr.: --
B1043: CAN communication is faulty
B1000: Control module has undervoltage or is faulty
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Monitoring status of system: Aktiv
Activation status: Ikke aktiveret
Activation via multifunctional steering wheel: Not operated
Left front wheel assignment has been found: Nej
Dæktryk, forreste venstre: 25 mbar
Venstre fordæks temperatur: 11 °C
Right front wheel assignment has been found: Nej
Dæktryk, forreste højre: 75 mbar
Højre fordæks temperatur: 11 °C
Left rear wheel assignment has been found: Nej
Dæktryk, venstre bag: 125 mbar
Venstre bagdæks temperatur: 45 °C
Right rear wheel assignment has been found: Ja
Bageste højre dæktryk: 175 mbar
Højre bagdæks temperatur: 79 °C
All wheels have been assigned to a position: Ja
Residual life of wheel electronics in left front wheel: 2.00
Left front wheel electronics battery status: OK
Residual life of wheel electronics in right front wheel: 51.00
Right front wheel electronics battery status: OK
Remaining life of wheel electronics in left rear wheel (in month): 85.00
Left rear wheel electronics battery status: OK
Remaining life of wheel electronics in right rear wheel (in month): 119.00
Right rear wheel electronics battery status: OK
Set value of tire pressure at left front wheel (20 ºC): 125 mbar
Set value of tire pressure at right front wheel (20 ºC): 2450 mbar
Set value of tire pressure at left rear wheel (20 ºC): 2575 mbar
Set value of tire pressure at right rear wheel (20 ºC): 3225 mbar
Front axle tire pressure specified value: 125 mbar
Rear axle tire pressure specified value: 2575 mbar
Left front wheel electronics identification number: 678835335
Left front wheel assignment has been found: Ja
Right front wheel electronics identification number: -2110306683
Right front wheel assignment has been found: Nej
Left rear wheel electronics identification number: 55146597
Left rear wheel assignment has been found: Nej
Right rear wheel electronics identification number: 2328390
Right rear wheel assignment has been found: Nej
Selected measuring position: Right rear
Wheel electronics identification number: 819
Udgangs test
Left front signal transfer test
Right front signal transfer test
Left rear signal transfer test
Right rear signal transfer test
Wheel electronics identification number
Redigere konfiguration