Bil, MERCEDES, S 220, 220.176 S 600, Heater steering wheel (LRH)
Styretøj - Heater steering wheel (LRH) - 0
MB number for hardware: 02 55 45 44 32
Diagnose version: 0.7
Hardware number: 43.99
Software nummer: 07.99
Supplier: Kostal
Diagnose version: 07
Stel nr.: --
B1000: Elektronisk styreenhed (ECU) funktionsfejl
Event B1010: Supply voltage is too low (undervoltage)
Event B1057: Fault in CAN communication with overhead control panel (OCP [DBE])
B10FF: Ukendt fejlkode
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Supply voltage: 0.58 V
Output voltage: 22.55 V
Steering wheel heater: 1.21 A
Status recognition of on-board electrical system: Ikke defineret
Udgangs test
Steering wheel heater