Легковой транспорт, MERCEDES, S 220, 220.125 S 320 CDI, Multicountour backrest rear (OSBR)

Модули сидений - Multicountour backrest rear (OSBR) - 0


MB номер аппаратного обеспечения: 22 08 00 03 78

Версия диагностики: 0.0

Номер аппаратного обеспечения: 09.98

Серийный номер программы: 16.98

Поставщик: Alfmeier

Версия диагностики: 00

VIN номер: --

Коды неисправно­стей

B1557 [8]: Leak air at cushion of right seat. Bottom inflatable cushion in lumbar region


Стирание DTC

Поток данных

Switch S104s1 (Dynamic lumbar support adjustment switch) operated: Да

Switch S104s2 (Side cheeks adjustment switch) is pressed in 'Inflate' position: Нет

Switch S104s2 (Side cheeks adjustment switch) is pressed in 'Deflate' position: Нет

Switch S104s3 (Lumbar support adjustment switch) is pressed in 'Up' position: Нет

Switch S104s3 (Lumbar support adjustment switch) is pressed in 'Down' position: Нет

Switch S103s1 (Dynamic lumbar support adjustment switch) operated: Нет

Switch S103s2 (Side cheeks adjustment switch) is pressed in 'Inflate' position: Нет

Switch S103s2 (Side cheeks adjustment switch) is pressed in 'Deflate' position: Нет

Switch S103s3 (Lumbar support adjustment switch) is pressed in 'Up' position: Нет

Switch S103s3 (Lumbar support adjustment switch) is pressed in 'Down' position: Нет

Pressure in inflatable cushion for lateral support of left seat: -58 мбар

Pressure in bottom inflatable cushion, in lumbar region of left seat: 108 мбар

Pressure in center inflatable cushion, in lumbar region of left seat: 120 мбар

Pressure in top inflatable cushion, in lumbar region of left seat: 122 мбар

Pressure in inflatable cushion for lateral support of right seat: -23 мбар

Pressure in bottom inflatable cushion, in lumbar region of right seat: 23 мбар

Pressure in center inflatable cushion, in lumbar region of right seat: 55 мбар

Pressure in top inflatable cushion, in lumbar region of right seat: 87 мбар



Left seat. Inflatable cishion for lateral support

Left seat. Top inflatable cushion in lumbar region

Left seat. Center inflatable cushion in lumbar region

Left seat. Bottom inflatable cushion in lumbar region

Left seat. Function lighting in Dynamic lumbar support adjustment switch

Right seat. Inflatable cishion for lateral support

Right seat. Top inflatable cushion in lumbar region

Right seat. Center inflatable cushion in lumbar region

Right seat. Bottom inflatable cushion in lumbar region

Right seat. Function lighting in Dynamic lumbar support adjustment switch