Bil, MERCEDES, Maybach 240, 240.079 MAYBACH 57 SAMG, 2006-, M285 - ME2.7.2 AMG (ME)
M285 - ME2.7.2 AMG (ME) - 0
MB number for hardware: 7898765432
Diagnose version: 141.152
Hardware number: 07.38
Software nummer: 05.05
Supplier: Bosch
Diagnose version: 8D 98.05 05 00
Stel nr.: WDC1648861A276478
2001: Boost pressure too low
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Motor kølevæske temperatur føler: 75 °C
Batteri spænding: 14.0 V
Motorolietemperaturføler: 127 °C
Oil quality: 3
Fuel tank level: 241 L
Safety fuel cut-off: Sluk
Catalyst heating: Tænd
Post-start enrichment: Tænd
Inertia fuel cut-off: Sluk
Throttle valve stop learned: Ja
Charge air temperature sensor: 33 °C
Motor Hastighed: 4660 Omdr.
Idle speed: Tænd
Air conditioner: Sluk
Kickdown-kontakt: Sluk
Gearvælgerstilling: R, D-1
Tændings vinkel: 10 °
Camshaft position sensor bank 1: Signal present
Starter control: Tænd
Coolant temperature at engine start: 32 °C
Electric air pump: Tænd
Air pump switchover valve: Åben
Transmission protection: Sluk
Knock control (B1): Ja
Knock control (B2): Ja
Oil level: 57 mm
MAP føler: 13236 hPa
Pressure sensor downstream of throttle valve: 13236 hPa
Engine coolant temperature (ADC): 163.23 V
Intake air temperature sensor (ADC): 144.54 V
Intake manifold pressure (MAP) (ADC): 23.17 V
Fuel tank pressure difference: -96.01 V
Gasspjælds positions føler: 2 °
Indsprøjtnings tid B1: 0 ms
Indsprøjtnings tid B2: 0 ms
Canister purge control: Sluk
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 loop control: Tænd
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 loop control: Tænd
Tank luft ventil: 48 %
Pressure sensor upstream of throttle valve: 687 hPa
Pressure sensor downstream of air cleaner bank 2: 317 hPa
Pressure sensor downstream of air cleaner bank 1: 2457 hPa
Barometrisk tryk føler: 276 hPa
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 loop control: 0.571
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 loop control: 0.762
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 0.462 V
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 2: 0.650 V
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 4.130 V
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 2: 2.881 V
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 is operational: Ja
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 is operational: Ja
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 is operational: Ja
O2 sensor 2, bank 2 is operational: Ja
Belastning Motor: 27 %
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 loop control: Tænd
O2 sensor 2, bank 2 loop control: Tænd
Exhaust gas temperature: 436 °C
Charge pressure control vacuum transducer: 9 %
Ladetrykføler: 307 hPa
Knock retard angle cylinder 1: -14 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 5: -26 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 3: -39 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 6: -52 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 2: -65 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 4: -77 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 7: -90 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 11: -103 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 9: -114 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 12: -101 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 8: -89 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 10: -76 °
Knock sensor 1 front: 0 V
Knock sensor 1 rear: 0 V
Knock sensor 2 front: 2 V
Knock sensor 2 rear: 3 V
Status of injection valve shutoff, bank 1: 1 ; 5 ; 3 ; -; -; -; ;
Status of injection valve shutoff, bank 2: 7; 11; 9; -; -; -; ;
Misfire cylinder 1: 4660
Misfire cylinder 2: 9029
Misfire cylinder 3: 13398
Misfire cylinder 4: 17767
Misfire cylinder 5: 22136
Misfire cylinder 6: 26505
Misfire cylinder 7: 30864
Misfire cylinder 8: 35082
Misfire cylinder 9: 37035
Misfire cylinder 10: 43981
Misfire cylinder 11: 48350
Misfire cylinder 12: 52719
Self-adaptation enabled: Nej
Self-adaptation in idle speed range, bank 1 of cylinders: 0.074 ms
Self-adaptation in idle speed range, bank 2 of cylinders: 0.080 ms
Self-adaptation in lower partial-load range, bank 1 of cylinders: 0.838
Self-adaptation in lower partial-load range, bank 2 of cylinders: 0.904
Self-adaptation in upper partial-load range, bank 1 of cylinders: 0.971
Self-adaptation in upper partial-load range, bank 2 of cylinders: 1.035
Speeder pedal positions føler N1: 1.42 V
Speeder pedal position N2: 2.76 V
Gasspjældpositionsføler 1: 1.02 V
Gasspjældpositionsføler 2: 1.35 V
Fan capacity effective: 8 %
Fan capacity request by engine: 9 %
Fan capacity request by air conditioning: 10 %
Generator ID: 145
Generator capacity utilization (from CAN): 74 %
Terminal 61: Sluk
Generator (electrical fault): Nej
Generator (mechanical fault): Nej
Load correction factor: 1.203
Fuel tank pressure difference: 24 hPa
Serie nummer: 52 33 40 28 11 03 02 03
Startspærre: Aktiveret
Engine control module: transport protection detached: Ja
Engine control module: personalized: Ja
Engine control module: activated: Nej
Engine control module: start enabled: Ja
Udgangs test
Air pump
indsprøjtnings dyser
Electronic throttle control (ETC)
Canister purge valve
Canister purge cut-off valve
Air/fuel correction
Engine/AC electric suction fan
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