PKW, MERCEDES, GL 164, 164.828 GL 420, 450 CDI 4MATIC, Stationary heater (STH)
Klimaregelung - Stationary heater (STH) - 0
MB Hardwarenummer: 2218705187
Diagnoseversion: 2.1
Hardwarenummer: 06.27
Softwarenummer: 06.43
Lieferant: Temic
Diagnoseversion: 02 01
9053: Flame has gone out more than 4 times during the heating cycle
Fehlercode löschen
Versorgungsspannung: 10 V
Wassertemperatur: 101 °C
CO2 setting of combustion air blower: 129
Stationary heater in heating mode: Aktiv
Stationary heater in ventilation mode: Aktiv
STH heater unit: Aktiv
Operating state: Teillast
STH switchover valve: Aktiv
STH switchover valve on/off ratio: 96
Verbrennungsluftgebläse: Aktiv
Off signal to telestart receiver: Aktiv
Fuel preheating system: Aktiv
Fuel preheating system on/off ratio: 23
Flame monitor glowpin unit: Aktiv
Flame monitor glowpin unit on/off ratio: 85
Flame monitor glowpin unit has flame detected: Ja
Auxiliary heater metering pump: Aktiv
Auxiliary heater metering pump period: 1.170 sec
On signal to telestart receiver: Aktiv
STH switch: Operated
Number of teach-in processes in STH radio remote control receiver: 11
On signal from the telestart receiver: Ja
Off signal from the telestart receiver: Ja
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