PKW, MERCEDES, GL 164, 164.825 GL 320, 350 BlueTEC 4MATIC, Left front reversible emergency tension retractor (RevETR-LF)
AirBag - Left front reversible emergency tension retractor (RevETR-LF) - 0
MB Hardwarenummer: 2518603285
Diagnoseversion: 0.1
Hardwarenummer: 05.38
Softwarenummer: 05.10
Lieferant: TRW
Diagnoseversion: 00 01
Event 5344: CAN message from ESP control module is faulty. Micromechanical yaw rate sensor AY pickup
Event 5261: Supply voltage is too low (undervoltage)
Event 534E: CAN message from restraint systems control module is faulty. Front passenger seat belt buckle and seat belt warning switch
Event 534D: CAN message from restraint systems control module is faulty. Seat belt buckle and seat belt warning switch, driver
Fehlercode löschen
Control unit is enabled: Nein
Execution frequency of belt tensioner function: 37250
Klemme 30: 12.34 V