PKW, MERCEDES, GL 164, 164.886 GL 500, 550 4MATIC, Rear-end door closing control module (REDC)
Türsteuergerät - Rear-end door closing control module (REDC) - 0
Herstellungsdatum: 06 10 11
Hardwarenummer: 01.06
Softwarenummer: 10.06
Diagnoseversion: 1.7
MB Hardwarenummer: 16 95 45 19 08
Lieferant: Kostal
Identifikator: 01 07
FIN: WDD2452071J177852
Fehlercode löschen
Current opening position of rear-end door: 119
Normalizing position of rear-end door potentiometer value - UP: Not normalized
Rear-end door - Intermediate position: Aktiv
Normalizing position of rear-end door potentiometer value - DOWN: Not normalized
RWTS button 'Close rear-end door from inside' operated: Ja
RWTS button 'Close and lock rear-end door from inside' operated: Ja
Next command with component transmitter key: Opens
Actuation of hydraulics in 'CLOSE' direction: Ja
Circuit 30 switched by relay 'Hydraulics in close direction': Nein
Actuation of hydraulics in 'OPEN' direction: Ja
Circuit 30 switched by relay 'Hydraulics in open direction': Nein
Left rear-end door closing obstruction sensor strip: Operated
Right rear-end door closing obstruction sensor strip: Operated
Normalizing position of rear-end door potentiometer value - UP: 154
Delta value for intermediate position of rear-end door: 110
Normalizing position of rear-end door potentiometer value - DOWN: 20
Limit value: undervoltage switching off: 0 V
Limit value: overvoltage switching off: 0 V
Limit value: undervoltage switching on: 11 V
Limit value: overvoltage switching on: 14 V
Last successfully completed request:
Missing function requirement during last request:
Function abort during last request by:
Next to last successfully completed request: Not in motion (Initial value)
Missing function requirement during next to last request: Function preconditions satisfied (Initial value)
Function abort during next to last request by: A current fault code is present
Rear-end door closing system
Denormalization of the rear-end door
Rear-end door new normalizing
Rear-end door - Intermediate position
Konfiguration ändern