Bil, MERCEDES, G 463, 463.341 G 320 CDI, 2007-2012, Door control module rear right (DCU-RR)
Dør moduler - Door control module rear right (DCU-RR) - 0
Production date: 06 02 13
Hardware number: 34.05
Software nummer: 29.05
Diagnose version: 128.0
MB number for hardware: 20 95 45 33 08
Supplier: Marquardt
Diagnose version: 80 00.20 95 45 33 08.29 05
Event B1010: Right rear door control module supply voltage is too low (undervoltage)
B1206: This DTC can be ignored and erased
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Power supply: 16 V
Terminal 58d: Tænd
Signal central locking: Ugyldig
Thermal fuse of central locking system: Fejl
Power supply central locking: Fejl
On/Off ratio circuit 58d: 127 %
Terminal 15R: Sluk
Terminal 15 (ignition): Tænd
Terminal 61: Tænd
Vehicle model: Left-hand steering
Central locking OPEN: Recognized
Central locking CLOSE: Recognized
Right rear door contact: Recognized
Window lifter: Normalized
Right rear power window motor is blocked: Ja
Power window has detected obstruction: Ja
Closing relay is actuated: Ja
Opening relay is actuated: Ja
Power window relay operates: Ja
Right rear window position: 255
Right rear power window motor current consumption: 26 A
Hall sensor signal 1: 1
Hall sensor signal 2: 1
Short circuit or failure of hall sensor: Fejl
Right rear door window lifter button: Automatic up
Udgangs test
Door lock
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