PKW, MERCEDES, E 238, 238.451 E200 4MATIC Cabriolet, M254 - MRG2 (ME)
M254 - MRG2 (ME) - 0
Diagnoseversion: 00 4E 0F
Boot software number: --
Hardware-Version: 0.0.0
Softwareversion: --
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Lieferant: --
Software part number (customer): --
Software part number (code): --
Software part number (data): --
Seriennummer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
P010000: Mass or volume air flow (MAF) sensor 1/A - electrical fault
Fehlercode löschen
Motordrehzahl: 500 UpM
Kühlmitteltemperatur: 90 °C
Versorgungsspannung: 0.0 V
Ölstand: In Ordnung
Air conditioning status: AUS
Leerlaufdrehzahl: Nicht erkannt
Idle speed increase: 0 UpM
Exhaust camshaft adjustment: 0.0 %
Intake camshaft adjustment: 0.0 %
Position Auslassnockenwelle: 0.0 °
Position Einlassnockenwelle: 0.0 °
Eingelegter Gang: P/N
Purging switchover valve: 0 %
Pressure and temperature sensor upstream of throttle valve: 18.6 °C
Ambient pressure: 993.0 hPa
Druckgeber nach Luftfilter, Bank 1: 0.0 hPa
Charge air pressure sensor: 0.0 hPa
Druckgeber vor Stellglied Drosselklappe: 0.0 hPa
Ansaugkrümmerdruck: 0.0 hPa
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 readiness test: Not operational
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 lambda sensor: 0.00
Sonde 2, Bank 1 - Bereitschaftstest: Not operational
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 lambda sensor: 0.00
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 2: 0.0 V
Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor temperature: 0.0 °C
Vollast: Nicht erkannt
Motorlast: 0 %
Drosselklappe-Ausschalter: 0 %
Deceleration air switchover valve: Geschlossen
Klopfregelung: Not enabled
Knock sensor noise: Nein
Verbrennungsaussetzer Zyl. 1: 2376
Verbrennungsaussetzer Zyl. 2: 1432
Verbrennungsaussetzer Zyl. 3: 1620
Verbrennungsaussetzer Zyl. 4: 1896
Tank pressure differential: 0 hPa
Tank pressure differential (raw value): 0.0 V
Kraftstoffstand: 0 L
Kraftstoffpumpe: AUS
Kraftstoffdruck niedrig: 0.00 Bar
Mengenregelventil: 0.0 °
Electric additional compressor: 0 UpM
Boost pressure positioner - duty cycle: 11 %
Cylinder 1 and 2 intake CAMTRONIC actuator: 0
Laufruhe des Zylinders 1: 0.00 (umdr/sec)²
Laufruhe des Zylinders 2: 0.00 (umdr/sec)²
Laufruhe des Zylinders 3: 0.00 (umdr/sec)²
Laufruhe des Zylinders 4: 0.00 (umdr/sec)²
Selbstanpassung im Leerlaufbereich: 0.00 %
Rußgehalt des Dieselpartikelfilters: 0.0 g
Driven distance since last successful regeneration: 0.0 km
Stromkreis 15: AUS
Stromkreis 87/1: 0.0 V
Stromkreis 87/3: 0.0 V
Stromkreis 87/4: 0.0 V
Coolant temperature (raw): 2.6 V
Counter for tuning detection via rail pressure: 305419896
Counter for tuning detection via boost pressure: 2271560481
Counter for tuning detection via control unit software: 4294967295
Vehicle mileage upon first detection of tuning via control unit software: 0 km
Vehicle mileage upon last detection of tuning via control unit software: 0 km
Vehicle mileage upon first detection of tuning via boost pressure: 0 km
Vehicle mileage upon last detection of tuning via boost pressure: 0 km
Vehicle mileage upon first detection of tuning via rail pressure: 0 km
Vehicle mileage upon last detection of tuning via rail pressure: 0 km
Self-adaptation in part load range: 0.00
Exhaust camshaft correction factor bank 1: 0.00 °
Intake camshaft bank 1 correction factor: 0.00 °
Geberradadaption ist beendet: Ja
Geberradadaption ist beendet: Nein
Sensor rotor adaptation is active: Ja
Sensor rotor adaptation segment 1: 0.00 °
Sensor rotor adaptation segment 2: 0.00 °
Additive correction value for air mass flow: 0.00 kg/h
Correction value for intake manifold pressure: 0.00 Bar
Correction factor for air mass flow: 1.9
Correction value of throttle valve for unmetered air: 237.60 kg/h
Intake camshaft position adaptation: Beendet
Exhaust camshaft position adaption: Beendet
Drosselklappe-Ausschalter: Erfolgreich
Geber für Gaspedalstellung: 0 %
Wastegate control pressure transducer: Not taught in
Electric coolant pump (specified value): 0 %
Electric coolant pump: 0.0 A
Boost pressure positioner - duty cycle: 2.6 V
Regulated oil pressure pump valve: 0 %
Sperren des Motorstarts durch Crash-Ereignis: Nein
Key or key track 1: Entriegelt
Key or key track 2: Entriegelt
Key or key track 3: Entriegelt
Key or key track 4: Entriegelt
Key or key track 5: Entriegelt
Key or key track 6: Entriegelt
Key or key track 7: Entriegelt
Key or key track 8: Entriegelt
Drive authorization start enable: Nein
Serial number of drive authorization system: A1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B2
Ist-Werte 2
Reading of main odometer: 0.00 km
Current operating time: -- ms
Data status:
CVN calculation finished: Nicht verfügbar
Operating time of control unit: 0.00 min
Motordrehzahl: 500.0 UpM
Motorlast: 0.00 %
Auslass Nockenwellen-Positionssensor, Bank 1: Nein
Einlass Nockenwellenpositionssensor, B1: Nein
Knock sensor noise: Nein
Berichtigte Kühlmitteltemperatur: -273.1 °C
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1: 0.00 V
Kühlmitteltemperatur: 90.0 °C
Ansauglufttemperatur: 18.6 °C
Ansaugkrümmerdruck: 0.0 hPa
Öldruck: 0
Charge air temperature sensor 2, bank 1: 0.0 °C
Charge air temperature sensor 2, bank 1: 0
Tank pressure differential: 0.0 hPa
Ansauglufttemperatur: 208.00 °C
Öldruck: 0.0 hPa
Charge air temperature sensor 1, bank 1: 0
Batteriespannung: 0.0 mV
Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 supply voltage: 0.0 mV
Pressure sensor downstream of throttle valve signal voltage: 0
Tank pressure differential (raw value): 0.00 V
Geber für Gaspedalstellung: 0.0 %
Right purging pressure sensor: 0.00 V
Right purging pressure sensor: 0.0 hPa
Tankfüllstand: 0.00 L
Kraftstofftank-Temperatursensor: 208.00 °C
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 internal resistance limit value: 0.00 Ohm
ECU internal temperature (raw value): 0.00 V
Control module temperature: 208.00 °C
Geber für Außendruck: 0.00 hPa
Lambda-Wert, Bank 1: 0.00
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 effective heater voltage: 0.00 V
Geber für Kraftstofftemperatur: 0
Geber für Kraftstofftemperatur: 0.0 °C
Raildruck: 0.00 MPa
Raildruck: 0.00 V
Raildruck: 0.00 MPa
Fuel temperature low pressure: 208.00 °C
Boost pressure (raw value): 0
Ladedrucksensor: 0.0 hPa
Druckgeber nach Luftfilter, Bank 1: 0.00 V
Druckgeber nach Luftfilter, Bank 1: 0.0 hPa
Druckgeber vor Stellglied Drosselklappe: 0.0 hPa
Druckgeber nach Luftfilter, Bank 1: 0.00 hPa
Druckgeber nach Luftfilter, Bank 2: 0.0 hPa
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1: 0.00
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1 ist betriebsbereit: Nein
Dew point sensor: Nein
Sensor Öltemperatur: 0
Öltemperatur: 0.0 °C
Abgastemperatur: 0.0 °C
Kraftstoffdruck niedrig: 0.00 kPa
Oil level in sump: 0.0 mm
Oil temperature in sump: 0.0 °C
NOx storage catalyst bank 1 exhaust temperature in cold start: 0.0 °C
Coolant temperature in cold start: 0.0 °C
Stromkreis 87/1: 0.0 mV
Stromkreis 87/3: 0.0 mV
Stromkreis 87/4: 0.0 mV
Charge air pressure sensor: 0.0 hPa
Kick-Down-Schalter: AUS
Brake lights switch: AUS
Crash signal over direct line: Nein
Stromkreis 15: Nein
Neutral gear position (shift): Keine Nullstellung
Automatikgetriebe: Nein
Ölstand: In Ordnung
Wake up network: Nein
Throttle valve position 1 (raw value): 0.00 V
Throttle valve position 2 (raw value): 0.00 V
Throttle valve position 1: 0.00 V
Throttle valve position 2: 0.00 V
Correction factor for fan run-on time: 0.0 %
Throttle valve learning process abort: Nein
Throttle valve actuator status: Ja
Position Auslassnockenwelle: 0.0 °
Position Einlassnockenwelle: 0.0 °
Throttle valve stop position 1: 0.00 V
Throttle valve stop position 2: 0.00 V
Drosselklappe - Istposition aus Sensorkennlinie: 0.0 %
Relative Drosselklappenstellung: 0.00 %
Motordrehzahlbegrenzung: Nein
Intake camshaft bank 1 adaption status: Beendet
Exhaust camshaft bank 1 status adaption: Beendet
Intake camshaft bank 1 correction factor: 0.0 °
Exhaust camshaft correction factor bank 1: 0.0 °
Mengenregelventil: 0
Engine torque coordination (CAMTRONIC): Nein
Boost pressure control (CAMTRONIC): Nein
Variant coding (CAMTRONIC): Nein
Engine torque (CAMTRONIC): Nein
Operating mode (CAMTRONIC): Nein
Engine control system (CAMTRONIC): Nein
Electric coolant pump (specified value): 0.00 %
Electric coolant pump: 0.00 A
Cylinder 1 and 2 intake CAMTRONIC actuator: 0
Cylinder 3 and 4 intake CAMTRONIC actuator: 0
Cylinder 5 and 6 intake CAMTRONIC actuator: 0
Nachstartanreicherung: 0.00
Gear range engaged: P/N
Hinterachse-Geschwindigkeit: 0.00 km/h
Vorderachse-Geschwindigkeit: 0.0 km/h
Klimaanlage: AUS
Compressor actuation: 0
Anforderung der Lüfterleistung von Klimaanlage: 0
Kühlgebläse-Anfrage: 0
Außenlufttemperatur : -273.1 °C
Außentemperatur: 208.00 °C
Tank flap: Offen
Strom 12V Batterie: 0.0 A
Motordrehmoment: 0.0 N·m
Temperatur bei Motorstart: -273.1 °C
Kraftstoffabschaltung im Schiebebetrieb: Nein
Leerlaufdrehzahl: Nein
Leerlaufregler: Nein
Vollast: Nein
Nachlauf: Nein
Compression time cylinder 1: 0.00 ms
Compression time cylinder 2: 0.00 ms
Compression time cylinder 3: 0.00 ms
Compression time cylinder 4: 0.00 ms
Laufruhe des Zylinders 1: 0.0
Laufruhe des Zylinders 2: 0.0
Laufruhe des Zylinders 3: 0.0
Laufruhe des Zylinders 4: 0.0
Ignition angle retardation average: 0.0 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 1: 0.0 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 2: 0.0 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 3: 0.0 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 4: 0.0 °
Geberradadaption ist beendet: Nein
Geberradadaption ist beendet: Ja
Sensor rotor adaptation segment 1: 0.0 °
Sensor rotor adaptation segment 2: 0.0 °
Geberradadaption ist beendet: Nein
Selbstanpassung im Leerlaufbereich, Bank 1: 0.0 %
Additive mixture correction bank 1 HFM: 0.0 %
Additive mixture correction bank 1 (P-System): 0.0 %
Selbstanpassung im unteren Teillastbereich, Bank 1: 0.00
Selbstanpassung im oberen Teillastbereich, Bank 1: 0.00
Selbstanpassung im oberen Teillastbereich, Bank 1: 0.00
Lambda-Wert, Bank 1: 0.00
Lambda control factor, mean value, bank 1: 0.00
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 is operational: Nein
Lambda setpoint, bank 1: 0.00
Combustion engine distance traveled: 0.00 km
Electric motor distance traveled: 0.00 km
Exhaust camshaft bank 1 (specified value): 0.0 °
Intake camshaft bank 1 (specified value): 0.0 °
Activated charcoal filter filling level: 0.0
Activated charcoal filter filling level: 0.0
Engine temperature (specified value): 0.0 °C
Klopfregelung: Nein
Delete mileage since last error memory or power failure: 0.00 km
Overheating protection: Nein
Stratified operation: Nein
Shutting off injection of individual cylinders: 0
Electric charge injector cylinder 1: --
Electric charge injector cylinder 2: --
Electric charge injector cylinder 3: --
Electric charge injector cylinder 4: --
Electric charge injector cylinder 1 (specified value): --
Electric charge injector cylinder 2 (specified value): --
Electric charge injector cylinder 3 (specified value): --
Electric charge injector cylinder 4 (specified value): --
Einspritzventil 1 Spannung: --
Einspritzventil 2 Spannung: --
Einspritzventil 3 Spannung: --
Einspritzventil 4 Spannung: --
Fuel quality: 0.00
NOx storage catalyst bank 1 exhaust temperature: -273.1 °C
Geber 2 für Abgastemperatur, Bank 1: -273.1 °C
Additive correction value for air mass flow: 0.0 kg/h
Correction value for intake manifold pressure: 0.0 hPa
Pressure sensor downstream of throttle valve: 0.00 hPa
Knock detection reference level cylinder 1: 0.00 Bar
Knock detection reference level cylinder 2: 0.00 Bar
Knock detection reference level cylinder 3: 0.00 Bar
Knock detection reference level cylinder 4: 0.00 Bar
Lambda deviation cylinder 1: 0.00
Lambda deviation cylinder 2: 0.00
Lambda deviation cylinder 3: 0.00
Lambda deviation cylinder 4: 0.00
Engine stopping time: 0
Rußgehalt des Dieselpartikelfilters: 0.0 g
Regeneration of particulate filter: Nein
Driven distance since last successful regeneration: 0 m
Reason for abort particulate filter regeneration: process taking too long: Nein
Reason for abort particulate filter regeneration: outside temperature too low: Nein
Reason for abort particulate filter regeneration: exhaust gas temperature too low: Nein
Enabling of regeneration: Nein
Vehicle mileage upon first detection of tuning via control unit software: 0.00 km
Vehicle mileage upon last detection of tuning via control unit software: 0.00 km
Vehicle mileage upon first detection of tuning via boost pressure: 0.00 km
Vehicle mileage upon first detection of tuning via rail pressure: 0.00 km
Vehicle mileage upon last detection of tuning via boost pressure: 0.00 km
Vehicle mileage upon last detection of tuning via rail pressure: 0.00 km
CVN: 00 00 00 00
General denominator (IUMPR): --
Zündzyklenzähler: --
Electric coolant pump: 0.0 %
Electric coolant pump at CPC: 0.00 %
Kraftstoffpumpe: AUS
Engine diagnosis indicator lamp: AUS
Coolant thermostat heating element: 0.00 %
Throttle valve position: 0.0 %
Einspritzventil Zyl 1: --
Einspritzventil Zyl 3: --
Einspritzventil Zyl 4: --
Einspritzventil Zyl 2: --
Lambda-Regelung: AUS
Auslassnockenwelle Bank 1: 0.0 %
Einlaßnockenwelle, Bank 1: 0.0 %
Sonde 1, Bank 1 Heizstromkreis: --
Fan power effective on/off ratio: 0.00 %
Fuel quantity control valve total actuation angle: 0.0 °
Fuel rail pressure specified value: 0.00 MPa
Idle speed increase: 0.00 UpM
Boost pressure positioner - duty cycle: 0.0 %
Deceleration air switchover valve: Offen
Engine oil pump valve: 0.0 %
Diagnosemodul Tankleckagepumpe (DMTL): AUS
Diagnostic module tank leakage (DMTL) valve: AUS
Diagnostic module tank leakage (DMTL) heater: AUS
Electric coolant pump: 0.00 %
Electric additional compressor: 0.00 UpM
Drehzahlschwelle : 0.0 UpM
Ramp time: 0.0 sec
Excitation current limit: 0.0 A
Partial load operation crankcase ventilation valve: AUS
Coolant thermostat heating element
Exhaust camshaft solenoid
Intake camshaft solenoid
Rail pressure reduction
Electric coolant pump
Purging switchover valve
Wastegate control pressure transducer
Deceleration air switchover valve
Regelventil Öldruck
Resetting of values for sensor rotor adaptation
Reset Lernwerte Gemisch
Enabling of engine start after crash event
Ansteuerung für Kraftstoffpumpe
Teach-in of positions for camshafts
Teaching process of throttle valve stop
Teach-in of wastegate pressure transducer
Teach-in sensor rotor adaptation at vehicle standstill
Teach-in of fuel injectors
VIN ändern
Variant coding