PKW, MERCEDES, E 238, 238.443 E200 4MATIC Cabriolet, Selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
Motor - Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) - 0
Diagnoseversion: 00 18 29
Boot software number: 0.0.0
Hardware-Version: 12.32.0
Softwareversion: 12.13.0
Software version 1: 13.50.0
Software version 2: 13.51.0
Lieferant: Bosch
Hardware-Teilenummer: 0009011501
Software part number (customer): 0009040101
Software part number (code): 0009029221
Software part number (data): 0009037503
Seriennummer: --
FIN: WD3PE8CCXF5952658
VIN stored: WD3PE8CCXF5952658
U0100EC: Communication with combustion engine control module - malfunction
U0100E1: Communication with combustion engine control module - malfunction
U0122EA: Communication with traction system control unit - malfunction
U010063: Communication with combustion engine control module - duration of actuation was exceeded: overload protection is active
U0100ED: Communication with combustion engine control module - malfunction
U0100E0: Communication with combustion engine control module - malfunction
U0100FA: Communication with combustion engine control module - malfunction
U0100FB: Communication with combustion engine control module - malfunction
U0100FD: Communication with combustion engine control module - malfunction
U010002: Communication with combustion engine control module - general signal fault
Fehlercode löschen
Temperature in AdBlue tank: 37.26 °C
Fill level of AdBlue tank (absolute value): 14.0 L
Fill level of AdBlue tank (relative value): 29 %
Fill level of AdBlue tank: 289.75 mm
Fill level of AdBlue tank: Invalid value
Außenlufttemperatur : 38.86 °C
Batteriespannung: 14 V
Heizung: Freigeschaltet
Heater of AdBlue line:
Heater of AdBlue line: 32751.0
Heating of AdBlue tank module:
Heating of AdBlue tank module: 22.0
Heating of AdBlue tank module: 6.179 A
Heater of AdBlue line: 2.344 A
Außentemperatur: -15 °C
AdBlue metering valve: AUS
AdBlue metering valve: 109 %
AdBlue metering quantity: 190.70 mg/s
AdBlue metering quantity: 216.30 mg/s
AdBlue metering valve: 34.96 °C
AdBlue metering valve: Nicht angeschlossen
Factor for long-term adaptation of SCR exhaust aftertreatment system: 14.15
Heating duration of AdBlue metering valve in overal operating period: 1176 sec
Heating duration of AdBlue metering valve in status 'Metering enabled': 1432 sec
Motordrehzahl: 1088 UpM
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 8.40 km/h
Pressure in AdBlue supply circuit: 7 Bar
Exhaust temperature upstream of SCR catalytic converter: -61.24 °C
Ansauglufttemperatur: 26.86 °C
Kühlmitteltemperatur: 96.86 °C
Heating of AdBlue tank module
Heating of AdBlue pressure line
Resetting calculated fill level of AdBlue tank
Resetting adaptation values of AdBlue delivery pump
Resetting warning message SCR/AdBlue
Calibration of AdBlue fill level sensor