Bil, MERCEDES, E 213, 213.019 Е 300 d 4MATIC Sedan, OM654 - MRD2 (CDI)
OM654 - MRD2 (CDI) - 0
Diagnose version: 00 14 10
Boot software number: 0.0.0
Hardwareversion: 0.0.0
Softwareversion: --
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Supplier: --
Hardware vare nummer:
Software part number (customer): --
Software part number (code): --
Software part number (data): --
Serie nummer: --
VIN stored:
P010000: Mass or volume air flow (MAF) sensor 1/A - electrical fault
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Batteri spænding: 0.00 V
Circuit 15: Sluk
Control module CDI activated: --
Start enable from EIS [EZS]: --
Test counter of drive authorization system: --
Input circuit 50: Nej
Input circuit 50: Nej
Motor Hastighed: 0 Omdr.
Camshaft and crankshaft synchronization: Ikke synkroniseret
Brændstofpumpetilstand: Ikke aktiveret
Fuel high pressure sensor: 0 bar
Brændstofniveau: 0 L
Pressure control solenoid valve: 0 mA
Fuel quantity control valve: 0 mA
Injection quantity: 0.00 mg/hub
Brændstoftrykføler: 0.00 bar
Ladetrykføler: 0 hPa
Barometertryk: 0 hPa
Brændstoftemperaturføler: -273 °C
Kølemiddeltemperatur: 0 °C
Motorolietemperaturføler: 0 °C
Intake air temperature sensor: 0 °C
Accelerator pedal position sensor: 0 %
Correction factor injector cylinder 6: 0.0 mg/hub
Correction factor injector cylinder 5: 0.0 mg/hub
Correction factor injector cylinder 4: 0.0 mg/hub
Correction factor injector cylinder 3: 0.0 mg/hub
Correction factor injector cylinder 2: 0.0 mg/hub
Correction factor injector cylinder 1: 0.0 mg/hub
Brændstofpumpe: 0 Omdr.
Brændstofpumpe: 0.00 A
Brændstofpumpe: 0 %
Oil pressure sensor: 0.0 bar
Rail pressure regulation status:
Total torque (after calculation): 0 N·m
Exhaust gas pressure: 0 hPa
Luft masse måler: 0.00 mg/hub
Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1600 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1600 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 6 for calibration point 1600 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1600 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 5 for calibration point 1600 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1600 bar: 0.00 us
Current cylinder for calibration point 1600bar: 0
Current cylinder for calibration point 1200bar: 0
Current cylinder for calibration point 800bar: 0
Current cylinder for calibration point 300bar: 0
Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1200 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1200 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 6 for calibration point 1200 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1200 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 5 for calibration point 1200 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1200 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 800 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 800 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 6 for calibration point 800 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 800 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 5 for calibration point 800 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 800 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 300 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 300 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 6 for calibration point 300 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 300 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 5 for calibration point 300 bar: 0.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 300 bar: 0.00 us
Specified delivery rate, fuel pump: 0 L/h
Pressure drop at fuel filter: -22.68 bar
Rail pressure fluctuations: 0.0 bar
Køretøjs hastighed : 0 km/h
Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) differential pressure sensor: 0 hPa
Kickdown: Not actuated
Charge air temperature sensor: 0 °C
On/off ratio of exhaust gas recirculation: 0 %
Intake port shutoff actuator motor (Specified): -5 .. 5
On/off ratio of intake port shutoff: 0 %
Throttle valve actuator: 0 %
Temperature sensor upstream of particulate filter: -273 °C
Wastegate control pressure transducer: 0 %
Air filter downstream pressure sensor: 0 hPa
Kilometer tæller: 0 km
Exhaust gas recirculation rate: 0.00 %
Inhibit of engine start by crash event: Ikke aktiv
Circuit 87/4: 0.00 V
Circuit 87/3: 0.00 V
Circuit 87/1: 0.00 V
Data status: --
Serial number of drive authorization system: --
Catalytic converter upstream temperature: -273 °C
Temperature sensor upstream of turbocharger: 0 °C
Distance from last ash content correction: 0 km
Ash content of particulate filter: -- g
Afstand siden sidste regenerering af partikelfilter: 0 km
Soot content of particulate filter: 0.0 g
Fill level of particulate filter: 0 %
Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) regeneration: 0
Engine operating condition: Normal operation without regeneration of DPF
Bypassventil til EGR-køler: Not actuated
Exhaust flap valve control: 0 %
Low-pressure turbocharger boost pressure sensor: 0.0 hPa
Boost pressure positioner - duty cycle: 0 %
Glow output: --
Udgangs test
Throttle valve actuator
Inlet port shutoff
Exhaust gas recirculation
Bypassventil til EGR-køler
Engine oil pump valve
Oil spray nozzle shutoff valve
indsprøjtnings dyser
Glow output stage
High-pressure exhaust gas turbocharger guide vanes actuator motor
Engine compressions test
Wastegate control pressure transducer
Fuel pump activate
Injectors replacement
Teaching process of HFM air flow sensor
Teaching process of inlet port shutoff actuator motor
Teaching process of boost pressure regulator
Teaching process of pressure regulating valve
Teaching process of quantity control valve
Pressure differential sensor teaching
Resetting event memory for loss of synchronization between crankshaft and camshaft
Teaching process of temperature sensors sensor unit
Oxidation catalytic converter initialization
Determination of fill level of diesel particulate filter
DPF regeneration (while driving)
Implicit coding