Bil, MERCEDES, E 212, 212.148 E 200 BlueEFFICIENCY Sedan (long wheelbase), M271 - SIM271 DE20 (ME)
M271 - SIM271 DE20 (ME) - 0
Diagnose version: 02 13 1A
Boot software number: 8.40.0
Hardwareversion: 8.15.0
Softwareversion: 8.40.0
Software version 1: 9.42.0
Software version 2: 9.42.0
Supplier: Continental Automotive GmbH
Hardware vare nummer: 0034468840
Software part number (customer): 0094487540
Software part number (code): 2719021400
Software part number (data): 2719033800
Serie nummer: --
Stel nr.:
VIN stored: WDD2120481A531329
P0000FF: ISO/SAE reserved, manufacturer defined
P233922: Cylinder 4 above knock threshold signal amplitude > maximum
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Kølemiddeltemperatur: 90 °C
Oil temperature: 75 °C
Batteri spænding: 11.9 V
Air conditioner: Sluk
Oil level switch: OK
Fuel tank level: 55 L
Indsugningslufttemperatur: 89 °C
Motor Hastighed: 33.0
Specified idle speed: [400 .. 600] rpm
Tændings vinkel: -15 °
Idle speed: Ja
Catalyst heating: Nej
Air pump switchover valve: Åben
Post-start enrichment: Nej
Fuel low pressure: 131 bar
Tryk i brændstoffordelerrør: 241 bar
Specified rail pressure sensor: [275.3 .. 295.3] bar
Electric air pump: Sluk
Fuel quantity control valve: 66 A
Indsugningsknastakselposition: 107.625 °
Udstødningsknastakselposition: -109.125 °
Indsprøjtnings tid B1: 151 ms
Gasspjælds positions føler: 51 °
Pressure sensor downstream of throttle valve: 311.94 hPa
Pressure sensor upstream of throttle valve: 4208.64 hPa
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 loop control: 17 %
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 1 V
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: Sluk
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 1.963 V
O2 sensor / Lambda sonde 2, bank 1 Varme element: Sluk
Lambda control: Sluk
Engine full load: Ja
Kickdown-kontakt: Sluk
Belastning Motor: 150
Knock control: Ja
Accelerator pedal position sensor: 8.98 %
Knock sensor: Ja
Knock sensor 1: 3 V
Knock sensor 2: 4 V
Knock sensor 3: 4 V
Knock sensor 4: 5 V
Misfire cylinder 1: 37250
Misfire cylinder 2: 51014
Misfire cylinder 3: 55411
Misfire cylinder 4: 59190
Self-adaptation in idle speed range enabled: Ja
Self-adaptation in part range enabled: Ja
Self-adaptation enabled: Ja
Self-adaptation in lower part load range: -22 %
Self-adaptation in upper part load range: 13 %
Circuit 61: Ja
Generator electrical fault: Nej
Generator mechanical fault: Nej
Engine control module: initialized: Ja
Engine control module: transport protection detached: Ja
Engine control module: personalized: Ja
Engine control module: activated: Ja
Engine start enable: Aktiveret
Ignition: Tænd
Sensor rotor adaptation is completed: Indlært
Sensor rotor adaptation is active: Nej
Lambda control: Tænd
Koblingspedalkontakt: Lukket
Brændstofpumpe: Sluk
Charge movement flap: 9 %
Injection time cylinder 1: 149.000 ms
Injection time cylinder 2: 182.668 ms
Injection time cylinder 3: 204.176 ms
Injection time cylinder 4: 165.016 ms
Injector 1 correction value: 1.136781 ms
Injector 2 correction value: 1.549531 ms
Injector 3 correction value: 1.393647 ms
Injector 4 correction value: 1.673982 ms
Change of idle speed: 23 Omdr.
Brændstofpumpetilstand: Aktiveret
Udgangs test
Fuel pump
Engine/AC electric suction fan
Throttle valve actuator
Electric air pump
Intake manifold swirl flap actuator motor
Heating system shut off valve
Wastegate control pressure transducer
Air pump switchover valve
Intake camshaft solenoid
Exhaust camshaft solenoid
Purging switchover valve
indsprøjtnings dyser
Deceleration air switchover valve
High fuel pressure
Thermal management
Octan correction
Fuel quantity correction
Engine/AC electric suction fan correction
Idle speed correction
Default initialization
Fuel pump activate
Teaching process of throttle valve stop
Intake manifold swirl flap actuator motor
Resetting of mixture adaptation
Performing sensor rotor adaptation
Resetting of all adaptation values
Rediger stel nr.