PKW, MERCEDES, E 210, 210.037 E 230, Elektronischer Zündstartschalter (EIS)
Wegfahrsperre - Elektronischer Zündstartschalter (EIS) - 0
MB Hardwarenummer: 21 05 45 00 08
Diagnoseversion: 0.7
Hardwarenummer: 50.97
Softwarenummer: 33.97
Lieferant: Marquardt
Diagnoseversion: 07
FIN: --
B1217: Unbekannter Fehlercode
Fehlercode löschen
Schalter für Frontscheibenwischer: --
Scheibenwäscher vorne: --
Blinkerschalter: --
Schalter für GRA: --
Cruise control safety contact: --
Cruise control switch voltage supply: --
CAN low: --
CAN high: --
Stromkreis 15R: --
Stromkreis 15: --
Key position circuit 50: --
Stromkreis 50: --
Start message received from transmitter key: --
Key data are being entered: --
Coil for energy supply of transmitter key is switched off: --
Electric steering lock 1 unlocked: --
Electric steering lock 2 unlocked: --
Horn button: --
Control module EIS is initialized: Ja
Transport protrction is removied: Nein
Control module EIS is personalized: Nein
Control module EIS is activated: Nein
Version of control module EIS: Standard
Key or key track last used: --
Second last key or key track used: --
Key ID: --
Key or key track 1: --
Key or key track 1: --
Key or key track 2: --
Key or key track 2: --
Key or key track 3: --
Key or key track 3: --
Key or key track 4: --
Key or key track 4: --
Key or key track 5: --
Key or key track 5: --
Key or key track 6: --
Key or key track 6: --
Key or key track 7: --
Key or key track 7: --
Key or key track 8: --
Key or key track 8: --
Status drive authorization processor 1: start enable issued by processor 1: Nein
Status drive authorization processor 1: start enable issued by processor 2: Nein
Status drive authorization processor 2: start enable issued by processor 1: Ja
Status drive authorization processor 2: start enable issued by processor 2: Nein
Start message receive processor 1: Nein
Start message receive processor 2: Nein
Key data requested processor 1: Ja
Key data requested processor 2: Nein
Key data are being entered processor 1: Nein
Key data are being entered processor 2: Ja
Authentication is successful processor 1: Nein
Authentication is successful processor 2: Nein
Response of electric steering lock to EIS (for development only) processor 1: 00
Response of electric steering lock to EIS (for development only) processor 2: 00