Bil, MERCEDES, CLS 219, 219.376 CLS 55 AMG V8 Compressor, -2005, Tire pressure monitor (TPM)

Dæk tryks overvågning - Tire pressure monitor (TPM) - 0


Production date: 05 02 17

Hardware number: 36.03

Software nummer: 17.04

Diagnose version: 0.12

MB number for hardware: 21 18 20 70 85

Supplier: Ikke defineret

Identificere : 00 0C


9000: Electronic control unit (ECU) malfunction or undervoltage

9140: Lost communication with driver-side SAM control module

9150: Fault in CAN communication with instrument cluster


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Wheel electronics recognition and position identification: Wheel electronics units not yet recognized, position of wheel electronics units not yet identified

Monitoring status of system: Inaktiv

Activation status: Ikke aktiveret

Dæktryk, forreste venstre: 425 mbar

Venstre fordæks temperatur: 0 °C

Dæktryk, forreste højre: 0 mbar

Højre fordæks temperatur: 0 °C

Dæktryk, venstre bag: 0 mbar

Venstre bagdæks temperatur: 0 °C

Bageste højre dæktryk: 0 mbar

Højre bagdæks temperatur: 0 °C

Set value of tire pressure at left front wheel (20 ºC): 1625 mbar

Set value of tire pressure at right front wheel (20 ºC): 1350 mbar

Set value of tire pressure at left rear wheel (20 ºC): 4875 mbar

Set value of tire pressure at right rear wheel (20 ºC): 1075 mbar

Residual life of wheel electronics in left front wheel: 0 Month

Current wheel electronics transmission mode in left front wheel: Unknown status

Left front wheel electronics battery status: Fejl

Residual life of wheel electronics in right front wheel: 0 Month

Current wheel electronics transmission mode in right front wheel: Signal not available

Right front wheel electronics battery status: Fejl

Residual life of wheel electronics in left rear wheel: 0 Month

Current wheel electronics transmission mode in left rear wheel: Signal not available

Left rear wheel electronics battery status: Fejl

Residual life of wheel electronics in right rear wheel: 0 Month

Current wheel electronics transmission mode in right rear wheel: Signal not available

Right rear wheel electronics battery status: Fejl

Left front wheel electronics identification number: 1230456979

Right front wheel electronics identification number: 1413617522

Left rear wheel electronics identification number: 2219209475

Right rear wheel electronics identification number: 1211586100

Left front tire pressure monitor antenna: 0.000 V

Right front tire pressure monitor antenna: 0.000 V

Left rear tire pressure monitor antenna: 0.000 V

Right rear tire pressure monitor antenna: 0.000 V

Spare wheel tire pressure monitor antenna: 0.000 V

Udgangs test


Left front signal transfer test

Right front signal transfer test

Left rear signal transfer test

Right rear signal transfer test



Wheel electronics identification number



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