Όχημα, MERCEDES, CLK 209, 209.441 CLK 200 Compressor, Headlamp range adjustment (HRA)
Ρύθμιση ύψους προβολέων - Headlamp range adjustment (HRA) - 0
Ημερομηνία κατασκευής: 02 12 15
Αριθμός υλικολογισμικού: 46.01
Αριθμός λογισμικού: 27.01
Έκδοση διάγνωσης: 0.1
MB αριθμός υλικολογισμικού: 21 18 20 32 26
Προμηθευτής: Hella
Αναγνωριστικό: 00 01
Κωδικοί Βλαβών
9001: Headlamp range adjustment control module defective
9004: Headlamp range adjustment control module not coded
9005: Η θέση μηδέν δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί ή δεν είναι δυνατόν να γίνει
9011: One of lines to left headlamp range adjustment motor - circuit open or shorted
9012: One of cables to left headlamp range adjustment motor - circuit short to ground
9013: Left headlamp range adjustment motor has excess temperature
9021: One of lines to right headlamp range adjustment motor - circuit open or shorted
9022: One of cables to right headlamp range adjustment motor - circuit short to ground
9023: Right headlamp range adjustment motor has excess temperature
9041: Front axle level sensor voltage supply - circuit short to ground
9042: Front axle level sensor voltage supply - circuit short to battery
9051: HRA [LWR] front axle sensor - circuit short to ground
9052: HRA [LWR] front axle sensor - circuit open or short to battery
9053: HRA [LWR] front axle sensor - signal is implausible
9062: HRA [LWR] rear axle sensor - circuit open or short to battery
9071: Vehicle speed signal from ESC module implausible
Event 90A1: Τροφοδοσία τάσης ισχύος πολύ χαμηλή
9006: Left HRA power module is defective
9007: Right HRA power module is defective
Event 90A2: Power supply voltage of left HRA power module too low
Event 90A3: Power supply voltage of right HRA power module too low
9002: Lost communication with left HRA power module
9003: Lost communication with right HRA power module
9081: A left headlamp component is defective
9082: A left headlamp component is defective
9083: A left headlamp component is defective
9084: A left headlamp component is defective
9085: A left headlamp component is defective
9086: A right headlamp component is defective
9087: A right headlamp component is defective
9088: A right headlamp component is defective
9089: A right headlamp component is defective
908A: A right headlamp component is defective
9008: Data record of headlamp range adjustment control module and left HRA power module do not match
9009: Data record of headlamp range adjustment control module and right HRA power module do not match
Event 9031: Fault or interference in CAN message from airmatic with ADS control module or rear axle level control system control module (Level sensor value(s))
Event 9032: Κανένα μήνυμα "Ταχύτητα Οχήματος" μέσω CAN από μονάδα ελέγχου ESP
Event 9033: No CAN message 'Low beam' from CGW control module
Event 9034: No CAN message 'Terminal 61' from instrument cluster control module. If there is no specific customer compliant, ignore fault code
Διαγραφή κωδικών
Ροή δεδομένων
Terminal 15: 13 V
Αισθητήρας ταχύτητας οχήματος: 0 km/h
Spring compression at front axle: -7 mm
Spring compression at rear axle: -13 mm
Front axle level sensor: 4980.0 mV
Rear axle level sensor: 4842.8 mV
Target value positioning motors HRA: 295 βήματα
Ρύθμιση θέσης Μηδέν: Έγκυρο
Δοκιμή ενεργοποιητών
Headlamp range adjustment
Επεξεργασία ρυθμίσεων