Bil, MERCEDES, GLS 167, 167.957 GLS 450 4MATIC, Collision prevention assist (SG-AWF)

Hastigheds kontrol - Collision prevention assist (SG-AWF) - 0


Diagnose version: 00 85 08

Boot software number: --

Hardwareversion: --

Softwareversion: --

Software version 1: --

Software version 2: --

Supplier: --

Hardware vare nummer:

Software part number (customer):

Software part number (code): --

Software part number (data): --

Serie nummer: --

Stel nr.:

VIN stored:


P180609: Electronic control unit (ECU) - component fault


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Number of SAR write cycles: 0

Max number of SAR write cycles: 0

Progress of adjustment: 0

Service alignment status:

Velocity too low: Sluk

Velocity too high: Sluk

Yaw rate too high: Sluk

Longitudinal acceleration/deceleration too high: Sluk

Lateral acceleration too high: Sluk

Curve radius too small: Sluk

Vehicle dynamics intervention: Sluk

Central operating time: 0

External tester present: Ikke tilstede

Engine running status: Motor stoppet

Ignition status: Ignition key inserted

Reading of main odometer: 0.00 km

Supply battery cutoff switch state: Lukket

Total discharge protection switch state: TDP switch is closed

Powernet transport mode: Permanently off

Spænding: 0.00 V

ECU temperature: 0.0 °C

Blindness status: Not blind

Reading of main odometer: 0.00 km

Outside air temperature: 216.00 °C

Blindness status 1: Not blind

Odometer value 1: 0.00 km

Outside air temperature 1: 216.00 °C

Blindness status 2: Not blind

Odometer value 2: 0.00 km

Outside air temperature 2: 216.00 °C

Blindness status 3: Not blind

Odometer value 3: 0.00 km

Outside air temperature 3: 216.00 °C

Blindness status 4: Not blind

Odometer value 4: 0.00 km

Outside air temperature 4: 216.00 °C



Vehicle parameters

Sensor parameters video

Function SDTR

Function details SDTR

HU delivery settings SDTR