Bil, MERCEDES, CLA 117, 117.347 CLA 200 4MATIC Coupe, Parking system (PTS)

Parkerings hjælp - Parking system (PTS) - 0


Diagnose version: 00 45 01

Boot software number: 12.32.0

Hardwareversion: 12.32.0

Softwareversion: 13.32.3

Software version 1: --

Software version 2: --

Supplier: Valeo

Hardware vare nummer: 0009017602

Software part number (customer): 0009029419

Software part number (code): --

Software part number (data): --

Serie nummer: 33 30 34 30 30 37 36 31 33 33 36 34

Stel nr.: WDD2120481A531329

VIN stored: WDD2120481A531329


U016800: Communication with electronic ignition lock - malfunction


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Warning elements: 23 V

Batteri spænding: 14.5 V

Left front outer distance sensor: 46 cm

Left front center distance sensor: 454 cm

Left front inner distance sensor: 266 cm

Right front inner distance sensor: 354 cm

Right front center distance sensor: 398 cm

Right front outer distance sensor: 320 cm

Right rear outer distance sensor: 96 cm

Right rear center distance sensor: 488 cm

Right rear inner distance sensor: 142 cm

Left rear inner distance sensor: 48 cm

Left rear center distance sensor: 306 cm

Left rear outer distance sensor: 386 cm

Parking system button LED: Sluk

Parking system button: Actuated

Traction system: Complied with

Electronic ignition lock: Complied with

Instrumentgruppe: Complied with

Steering column module: Complied with

Combustion engine: Complied with

Supplemental restraint system: Complied with

Power steering: Complied with

Rear signal acquisition and actuation module: Complied with

Front signal acquisition and actuation module: Not complied with