PKW, MERCEDES, CL 216, 216.371 CL 500 BlueEFFICIENCY Coupe, Stationary heater (STH)
Klimaregelung - Stationary heater (STH) - 0
MB Hardwarenummer: 2215061098
Diagnoseversion: 18.4
Hardwarenummer: 07.02
Softwarenummer: 08.33
Lieferant: Webasto
Diagnoseversion: 12 04
9151: Fault interlock has been activated
Fehlercode löschen
Spannungsversorgung: 12 V
Wassertemperatur: 80 °C
CO2 setting of combustion air blower: 192
Stationary heater in heating mode: Aktiv
Stationary heater in ventilation mode: Nicht aktiv
STH or HB heater unit: Aktiv
Operating state: Control interval
STH switchover valve: Nicht aktiv
STH switchover valve on/off ratio: 51.0
A6m2 (combustion air blower): Nicht aktiv
Flame monitor glowpin unit: Nicht aktiv
Flame monitor glowpin unit on/off ratio: 96.0
Flame monitor glowpin unit has flame detected: Ja
STH fuel metering pump: Nicht aktiv
STH fuel metering pump: 0.510 sec
On signal to telestart receiver: Nicht aktiv
Off signal to telestart receiver: Nicht aktiv
N72/1s30 (STH/HB [ZUB]/residual heat button): Not operated
On signal from the telestart receiver: Nein
Off signal from the telestart receiver: Nein
Standheizung einschalten (Normalmodus)
Standheizung einschalten (Testmodus)
Heating/Switch on ventilation in line with request from AC pushbutton control module
Konfiguration ändern