Bil, MERCEDES, C 205, 205.053 C300 e Sedan, DC, DC converter (DDW)
Strøm kilde kontrol - DC/DC converter (DDW) - 0
Diagnose version: 00 00 08
Boot software number: 0.0.0
Hardwareversion: 10.7.0
Softwareversion: 10.32.0
Software version 1: 10.16.0
Software version 2: 10.9.0
Supplier: Hella
Hardware vare nummer: 1669011200
Software part number (customer): 1669027501
Software part number (code): 1669033500
Software part number (data): 1669032500
Serie nummer: --
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Circuit 30 voltage: 0.00 V
Terminal 30 current: -1024.00 A
Circuit 40 voltage: 0.00 V
Terminal 40 current: 136.00 A
Temperature sensor 1: 216.00 °C
Temperature sensor 2: 216.00 °C
Energy flow mode of DC/DC converter: Sluk
Minimum voltage: 0.00 V
Maximum voltage: 0.00 V
Minimum battery current: -500.00 A
Maximum battery current: -500.00 A
Internal voltage of 48V on-board electrical system battery: 0.00 V
Maximum cell voltage: 0.00 V
Minimum cell voltage: 0.00 V
Charging current or discharge current of 48V on-board electrical system battery: -500.00 A
Battery cell temperature maximum: 216.00 °C
Battery cell temperature minimum: 216.00 °C
Coolant temperature at inlet of 48V on-board electrical system battery: 216.00 °C
Coolant temperature at outlet of 48V on-board electrical system battery: 216.00 °C