Легковой транспорт, MERCEDES, C 205, 205.045 C250 Sedan, Стартер-генератор (SG)
Power source control - Стартер-генератор (SG) - 0
Diagnostic version: 00 00 05
Boot software number: --
Hardware version: --
Software version: --
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Supplier: --
Hardware part number:
Software part number (customer): --
Software part number (code): --
Software part number (data): --
Serial number: --
VIN no:
VIN stored:
P061A00: Torque control of control unit - malfunction
Clear DTC
Data stream
Coolant from network: 216.00 °C
PN48 (KL40): 0.00 V
PN14 (KL30): 0.00 V
PN48 (KL40) from network: 0.00 V
PN14 (KL30) from network: 0.00 V
Voltage request: 0.00 V
Maximum charge voltage: 0.00 V
Minimum discharge voltage: 0.00 V
PN48 (KL40) from network: -500.00 A
Minimum charge current: -819.00 A
Maximum discharge current: 0.00 A
Discharge current max offset: -254.00 A
30C faulty: False
Interlock faulty: False
Cam sync faulty: False
CCB Switch from network: Closed
DCB Switch from network: Closed
Speed request: 0.00 rpm
Machine state: Standby
Mode: Idle
Torque request - maximum: -512.00 N·m
Torque request - minimum: -512.00 N·m
Emergency request: Idle
Performance limitation request: No request
Torque reduction state: No derating
Immobilizer state: Released
MIL request: False
Crash error:
Interlock circuit error:
PN14 (KL30) undervoltage: Undetermined
DC-link voltage too low: No
Immobilizer not released: No
DC-link voltage out of range: No
Speed out of range: No
Speed direction negative: No
Ignition status: Ignition key inserted
DidA external tester present: Not present
Engine running status: Engine stopped
Supply battery cutoff switch state: Closed
Powernet transport mode: Permanently off
1.3V faulty: False
3.3V faulty: False
5V 'S' (for current sensor) faulty: False
5V 'A' (for high accuracy) faulty: False
5V faulty: False
14V faulty: False
OFFSET: 0.00 °
General denominator (IUMPR): 0
Ignition cycle counter: 0
Variant coding
Exhaust regulation/Type approval number