Bil, MERCEDES, C 205, 205.378 C200 4MATIC Coupe , C260 4MATIC Coupe, Sound generator for exhaust system (SGES)
Body kontrol modul - Sound generator for exhaust system (SGES) - 0
Diagnose version: 00 02 00
Boot software number: --
Hardwareversion: --
Softwareversion: --
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Supplier: --
Hardware vare nummer:
Software part number (customer):
Software part number (code):
Software part number (data): --
Serie nummer: --
B15B900: Ukendt fejlkode
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Actual mimimum engine torque including trailing throttle component: -500.0 N·m
Actual maximum engine torque including dynamic exhaust turbocharger torque: -500.0 N·m
Actual static engine torque: -500.0 N·m
Gaspedalposition: 0.0 %
Motortype: M275 E55
Reading of main odometer: 0.0 km
Batteri spænding: 0.00 V
Supply battery cutoff switch state: Lukket
Motor Hastighed: 0.0 Omdr.
Køretøjs hastighed : 0.0 km/h
Vehicle line:
Driving program control: global mode request:
Engine running status: Stop
Ignition status: Ignition key removed and ignition lock locked
Cylinder cutoff state: NO_ZAS
Actual gear: N
Convertible top state: UNLCKD
Target gear: N
Powernet transport mode: Sluk
Intervention mode state: MFC
Body version: W
Request for exhaust flap stage: Tomgang
Response exhaust flap stage: Tomgang
String E-stand:
Implicit coding
Exhaust regulation or type approval number (EROTAN)