Bil, MERCEDES, C 205, 205.283 C300 Wagon, Instrument cluster (IC)
Instrument - Instrument cluster (IC) - 0
Diagnose version: 00 2C 04
Boot software number: 11.39.5
Hardwareversion: 12.27.0
Softwareversion: 12.48.5
Software version 1: 14.45.3
Software version 2: 15.5.20
Supplier: Delphi
Hardware vare nummer: 0009016402
Software part number (customer): 0009041700
Software part number (code): 0009020929
Software part number (data): 0009039805
Serie nummer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Stel nr.: WDD2050401F019698
U116797: Ukendt fejlkode
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Kilometer tæller: 1675907 km
Trip distance: 8927045 km
Status of adaptation to drive authorization system: Not taught in
Status of drive authorization data in instrument cluster: The data do not match the vehicle
Vehicle speed displayed: 147.00 km/h
Identificere : F0 00 23
Status: Aktiv
Total distance at first occurrence of event: 0 km
Total distance at last occurrence of event: 61952 km
Frequency counter: 12 km
Number of ignition cycles since last occurrence of event: 0
Service data
Driving distance till next service: 2135 km
Days until next service: 25 days
Driving distance since last service: 10037298 km
Next service
Service code: 12
Driving distance till next service: 2135 km
Days until next service: 25 days
Værksteds kode: 5051234567898
Udgangs test
Move instrument pointer
Indicator lamps
Instrument illumination
Segments on speedometer
Warning message
Transfer of manufacturer default setting
Confirm overall maintenance
Reset mistakenly confirmed overall maintenance
Rediger stel nr.
Dato & tid
Current menu settings
Country coding SCN
Country coding detail
Variant coding
Menu activation
Factory settings menu
Travel calculator 1 block
Oil data record constant values ASSYST
Oil data variable values ASSYST
Maintenance data record part 1 ASSYST PLUS
Maintenance data record part 2 ASSYST PLUS
Basic parameters of the ASSYST PLUS data block
Maintenance data record part 3 ASSYST PLUS