Bil, MERCEDES, C 204, 204.057 C 350 BlueEFFICIENCY Sedan, M276 - MED177 (ME)
M276 - MED177 (ME) - 0
Diagnose version: 02 1C 3A
Boot software number: --
Hardwareversion: 6.46.0
Softwareversion: 6.38.0
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Supplier: Marquardt
Hardware vare nummer: 2045450908
Software part number (customer): --
Software part number (code): --
Software part number (data): --
Serie nummer: --
Stel nr.:
VIN stored: WDC1660551A542428
U012087: Communication with starter or generator malfunction. Message is missing
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Kølemiddeltemperatur: 70.50 °C
Batteri spænding: 13.0 V
Oil level: OK
Air conditioner: Sluk
Specified idle speed: [650...750] rpm
Specified idle speed: 700 Omdr.
Motor Hastighed: 10 Omdr.
Indsugningsmanifoldtryk: 3964 hPa
Indsprøjtnings tid B2: 3245494.64 ms
Indsprøjtnings tid B1: 3610672.50 ms
On/off ratio of purging: 77 %
Idle speed: Nej
Intake camshaft bank 1: -207.19 °
Intake camshaft bank 2: 17.19 °
Exhaust camshaft bank 1: 35.14 °
Exhaust camshaft bank 2: -251.08 °
Gear engaged: P/N
Intake manifold resonance flap switchover valve: Lukket
Intake manifold selector drum switchover valve: Lukket
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 1.541
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 2: 1.414
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 loop control: Tænd
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 loop control: Tænd
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 is operational: Ja
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 is operational: Ja
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 180.892 V
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 2: 220.844 V
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 1.581
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 2: 1.216
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 is operational: Ja
O2 sensor 2, bank 2 is operational: Ja
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 1: 645.68 °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 2: 1262.85 °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 1: 606 °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 2: 742 °C
Indsugningslufttemperatur: 34.52 °C
Oil temperature: 99.00 °C
Gasspjælds positions føler: 4693.7 °
Full load: Ja
Belastning Motor: 1227 %
Knock control: Ja
Knock sensor noise: Nej
Octan correction: Basic value
Injector 1 voltage: 513.3 V
Injector 2 voltage: 523.2 V
Injector 3 voltage: 556.1 V
Injector 4 voltage: 597.8 V
Injector 5 voltage: 594.6 V
Injector 6 voltage: 591.9 V
Injector 7 voltage: 551.4 V
Injector 8 voltage: 372.5 V
Indsprøjtnings dyse 1: 101.48 mAs
Injector 2: 113.38 mAs
Injector 3: 122.09 mAs
Injector 4: 87.30 mAs
Injector 5: 78.44 mAs
Injector 6: 70.40 mAs
Indsprøjtnings dyse 7: 104.71 mAs
Indsprøjtnings dyse 8: 113.77 mAs
Brændstoftemperaturføler: 53.25 °C
Fuel quantity control valve total actuation angle: -1985.3 °
Trykføler for brændstoffordelerrør: 188.3 bar
Fuel quantity control valve adaptation value: -42.5781 %
Fuel quantity control valve: Noise level reduction active
Uniformity of lambda control bank 2: 49.80
Uniformity of lambda control bank 1: 36.65
Self-adaptation in idle speed range, bank 1 of cylinders: -941.86 %
Self-adaptation in idle speed range, bank 2 of cylinders: -847.88 %
Brændstofniveau: 66 L
Misfire cylinder 1: 33138
Misfire cylinder 2: 51059
Misfire cylinder 3: 55165
Misfire cylinder 4: 58957
Misfire cylinder 5: 61022
Misfire cylinder 6: 30661
Misfire cylinder 7: 47990
Misfire cylinder 8: 56810
Smooth running of cylinder 1: -49.82 (1/s)²
Smooth running of cylinder 2: -47.23 (1/s)²
Smooth running of cylinder 3: -37.13 (1/s)²
Smooth running of cylinder 4: -77.76 (1/s)²
Smooth running of cylinder 5: -79.90 (1/s)²
Smooth running of cylinder 6: -79.45 (1/s)²
Smooth running of cylinder 7: -67.58 (1/s)²
Smooth running of cylinder 8: -15.91 (1/s)²
Accelerator pedal: 64.2 V
Speeder pedal positions føler N1: 3.58 V
Speeder pedal position N2: 1.70 V
Accelerator pedal position sensor: 0.00 %
Gasspjældpositionsføler 1: 62.00 V
Gasspjældpositionsføler 2: 71.98 V
Inertia fuel cut-off: Ja
Injector cylinder 1: 8110T
Injector cylinder 2: 5380H
Injector cylinder 3: 2103L
Injector cylinder 4: 4305E
Injector cylinder 5: 0623N
Injector cylinder 6: 64082
Injector cylinder 7: 05CEY
Injector cylinder 8: 6A564
Generator ID: 38963
Terminal 61: Nej
Calculated generator torque: -888.8 N·m
Generator (electrical fault): Nej
Generator (mechanical fault): Nej
Fan capacity request by air conditioning: 1 %
Delayed cooling fan switch off: Ikke aktiv
Fan power effective on/off ratio: 76 %
Serie nummer: A1 00 00 00 F9
Serial number of drive authorization system: A1 00 00 00 00 00 00 F2
Engine control module: initialization: Ja
Engine control module: transport protection detached: Ja
Engine control module: personalized: Ja
Engine control module: activated: Ja
Engine control module: start enabled: Ja
Key or key track 1: Aktiveret
Key or key track 2: Aktiveret
Key or key track 3: Aktiveret
Key or key track 4: Aktiveret
Key or key track 5: Aktiveret
Key or key track 6: Aktiveret
Key or key track 7: Aktiveret
Key or key track 8: Aktiveret
Motor kølevæske temperatur føler: 249.25 V
Ambient temperature: 86.25 °C
Coolant temperature at engine start: 120.75 °C
Engine temperature (specified value): -1777.25 °C
Rear air conditioner: 197 %
Interior air temperature: 123.75 °C
Correction value of delayed fan switch off: -52 %
Two-disk thermostat heating element: 569 %
Self-adaptation in upper partial-load range, bank 1 of cylinders: 1.53
Self-adaptation in upper partial-load range, bank 2 of cylinders: 1.43
Self-adaptation in upper partial-load range, bank 1 of cylinders: 0.83
Self-adaptation in upper partial-load range, bank 2 of cylinders: 1.14
Exhaust camshaft position adaption bank 1: Completed
Intake camshaft position adaption bank 1: Completed
Exhaust camshaft correction factor bank 1: -0.99 °
Exhaust camshaft correction factor bank 2: -2.00 °
Intake camshaft bank 1 correction factor: -2.99 °
Intake camshaft bank 2 correction factor: -4.00 °
Conversion factor 'Intake manifold pressure to filling capacity': 1.15
Additive correction value for air mass flow: -735.70 kg/h
Correction factor for air mass flow: 2.79
Correction value of throttle valve for unmetered air: -3069.7
Correction value for intake manifold pressure: -322.66 hPa
Correction value for hot film mass air flow sensor: -1094.88 hPa
Brændstofpumpe: Sluk
Fuel low pressure: 6554 %
Tank luft ventil: 1161 mA
Engine oil pump valve: 58 %
Engine oil pump valve: 71 V
Udgangs test
Throttle valve actuator
Fuel pump
Engine/AC electric suction fan
Charge air cooler circulation pump
Purging switchover valve
indsprøjtnings dyser
Engine oil pump valve
Intake camshaft solenoid bank 1
Intake camshaft solenoid bank 2
Exhaust camshaft solenoid bank 1
Exhaust camshaft solenoid bank 2
Reset mixture learning
Resetting of values for sensor rotor adaptation
Enabling of engine start after crash event
Fuel pump activation
Teaching process after replacement of combustion engine
Teaching process of throttle valve stop
Teaching in ethanol proportion in fuel
Resetting of all adaptation values
Resetting reading of frequency counter for ethanol teach-in processes
Injectors replacement
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