Car, KIA, General, SOUL EV (SK3 EV), 2022, 150KW, 150KW - VCULDC (VCULDC)



Vehicle identification number:

Supplier ECU hardware number:

SubSystem ECU Software Number ::

Sub system calibration number:


P2128: Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "E" Circuit High Input


Clear DTC

Data stream

Immobilizer built-in: --

SMARTRA2 built-in: --

SMARTRA3 built-in: --

SMART key built-in: --

Gear state fault: --

Gear state P: --

VCU immobilizer authentication: --

Gear state R: --

Gear state N: --

Gear state D: --

VCU ready: --

Brake pedal switch normally open: --

Brake pedal switch normally closed: --

Power enable: --

Start key: --

LDC inhibit: --

EV ready: --

APS Sensor1 voltage output: -- V

APS Sensor2 voltage output: -- V

Accel pedal depth: -- %

Vehicle speed: -- km/h

Auxiliary battery voltage: -- V

Gear paddle at steering wheel: input 1: --

Gear paddle at steering wheel: input 2: --

IG1 Key On: --


SCU park position: --

SCU learning status: --

VCU parking command: --

SCU Park Position (PWM): --

Main Battery Type: --

Main Battery Type Lean Status: --

LDC ready status: On

LDC operating status: On

LDC service lamp request flag: On

LDC fault flag: Yes

LDC power derating status: On

LDC temperature: -- °C

LDC output voltage: -- V

LDC output current: -- A

LDC input voltage: -- V

LDC auxiliary battery voltage: -- V

Auxiliary battery current (LIN): -- A

Auxiliary battery state of charge: -- %

Auxiliary battery voltage: -- V

Auxiliary battery temperature: -- °C

Auxiliary battery sensor state: --

Auxiliary battery sensor invalid: --

Auxiliary battery sensor error: --

High input voltage calibration finish: --

Output voltage calibration finish: --

Control accuracy compensation finish: --

LDC data 1: --

LDC data 2: --

LDC data 3: --

LDC data 4: --

LDC data 5: --

Actuators test


IG3 Control Operation



Read VIN

LDC Activation Test

Reset of learning data of available distance for driving

SCU parking application test

SCU parking canceling test