PKW, KIA, General, SORENTO (MQ4), 2021, D 2.2 TCI New R, Double clutch transmission (AT)
Transaxle - Double clutch transmission (AT) - 0
Boot software identification: --
Application software identification: --
Application ID :: --
Vehicle manufacturer spare part number: --
Date of manufacture: ECU manufacturing date: --
ECU serial number: --
Supplier ECU ID: --
Fehlercode löschen
Motordrehzahl: -- UpM
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: -- km/h
Throttle position sensor angle: -- %
Geber für Gaspedalstellung: -- %
Input speed 1 (Odd Gear Shaft): -- UpM
Input speed 2 (Even Gear Shaft): -- UpM
Getriebeübersetzung: --
Clutch1 slip (Odd Gear Shaft): -- UpM
Clutch2 slip (Even Gear Shaft): -- UpM
Transmission control unit: -- V
Motordrehmoment: -- N·m
Final lever position: --
Eingelegter Gang: --
Gear position (Next): --
Paddle shift switch up (+): --
Paddle shift switch down (-): --
Brake switch: --
Manual down shift: --
Handbetrieb: --
Manual up shift: --
Clutch1 temperature (Odd Gear Shaft): -- °C
Clutch2 temperature (Even Gear Shaft): -- °C
Fehlercodes Anzahl: --
Malfunction indicator lamp on: --
Clutch high thermal warning - step 1 entry count: --
Clutch high thermal warning - step 3 entry count: --
Clutch high thermal warning - odd clutch single mode entry count: --
Clutch high thermal warning - even clutch single mode entry count: --
Clutch high thermal warning - clutch open mode entry count: --
First raw value of lever PWM: -- %
Second raw value of lever PWM: -- %
Engaged gear on odd shaft: --
Engaged gear on even shaft: --
Sensor Öltemperatur: -- °C
Oil temperature sensor 2: -- °C
Actual current of PPV-A (Clutch 1): -- mA
Actual current of PPV-B (Clutch 2): -- mA
Actual current of PPV-C (Line): -- mA
QPV-A (GSC1): -- mA
QPV-B (GSC2): -- mA
QPV-C (GSC3): -- mA
QPV-D (GSC4): -- mA
QPV-E (GSC5): -- mA
Pressure sensor A (Clutch 1): -- Bar
Pressure sensor B (Clutch 2): -- Bar
Pressure sensor C (Line): -- Bar
GSC1 position: -- mm
GSC2 position: -- mm
GSC3 position: -- mm
GSC4 position: -- mm
GSC5 position: -- mm
HP EOP target RPM: -- UpM
HP EOP current RPM: -- UpM
HF EOP target RPM: -- UpM
HF EOP current RPM: -- UpM
Getriebetyp: --