Car, KIA, General, XCEED PHEV (CD CUV PHEV), 2021, G 1.6 GDI KAPPA PHEV, PHEV battery system (BMS)

HV battery - PHEV battery system (BMS) - 0


ECU software version number:


P0AA7: Hybrid/EV battery voltage isolation sensor circuit


Clear DTC

Data stream

State of battery charge (BMS): -- %

BMS weld flag: --

BMS main relay On status: --

BMS overcharge protection flag: --

BMS controllable state: --

BMS service lamp: --

BMS warning: --

BMS standard charge mode: --

BMS fault: --

Battery DC current: -- A

Battery DC voltage: -- V

Battery max temperature: -- °C

Battery min temperature: -- °C

Battery module 1 temperature: -- °C

Battery module 2 temperature: -- °C

Battery module 3 temperature: -- °C

Battery module 4 temperature: -- °C

Battery module 5 temperature: -- °C

Battery inlet temperature: -- °C

Max cell voltage: -- V

Max cell voltage no.: --

Min cell voltage: -- V

Min cell voltage no.: --

Fan status: -- steps

Fan feedback frequency: -- Hz

Auxiliary battery voltage: -- V

Accumulative charge current: -- Ah

Accumulative discharge current: -- Ah

Accumulative charge power: -- kWh

Accumulative discharge power: -- kWh

Accumulative operating time: -- sec

MCU(GCU) main relay off request: --

MCU ready: --

MCU(GCU) controllable: --

MCU main relay off request: --

HCU ready: --

MCU controllable: --

HCU engine start signal: --

MCU(GCU) ready: --

Inverter capacitor voltage: -- V

Drive motor speed: -- rpm

Actual generator (HSG) speed: -- rpm

Isolation resistance: -- kOhm

Battery cell voltage 1: -- V

Battery cell voltage 2: -- V

Battery cell voltage 3: -- V

Battery cell voltage 4: -- V

Battery cell voltage 5: -- V

Battery cell voltage 6: -- V

Battery cell voltage 7: -- V

Battery cell voltage 8: -- V

Battery cell voltage 9: -- V

Battery cell voltage 10: -- V

Battery cell voltage 11: -- V

Battery cell voltage 12: -- V

Battery cell voltage 13: -- V

Battery cell voltage 14: -- V

Battery cell voltage 15: -- V

Battery cell voltage 16: -- V

Battery cell voltage 17: -- V

Battery cell voltage 18: -- V

Battery cell voltage 19: -- V

Battery cell voltage 20: -- V

Battery cell voltage 21: -- V

Battery cell voltage 22: -- V

Battery cell voltage 23: -- V

Battery cell voltage 24: -- V

Battery cell voltage 25: -- V

Battery cell voltage 26: -- V

Battery cell voltage 27: -- V

Battery cell voltage 28: -- V

Battery cell voltage 29: -- V

Battery cell voltage 30: -- V

Battery cell voltage 31: -- V

Battery cell voltage 32: -- V

Battery cell voltage 33: -- V

Battery cell voltage 34: -- V

Battery cell voltage 35: -- V

Battery cell voltage 36: -- V

Battery cell voltage 37: -- V

Battery cell voltage 38: -- V

Battery cell voltage 39: -- V

Battery cell voltage 40: -- V

Battery cell voltage 41: -- V

Battery cell voltage 42: -- V

Battery cell voltage 43: -- V

Battery cell voltage 44: -- V

Battery cell voltage 45: -- V

Battery cell voltage 46: -- V

Battery cell voltage 47: -- V

Battery cell voltage 48: -- V

Battery cell voltage 49: -- V

Battery cell voltage 50: -- V

Battery cell voltage 51: -- V

Battery cell voltage 52: -- V

Battery cell voltage 53: -- V

Battery cell voltage 54: -- V

Battery cell voltage 55: -- V

Battery cell voltage 56: -- V

Battery cell voltage 57: -- V

Battery cell voltage 58: -- V

Battery cell voltage 59: -- V

Battery cell voltage 60: -- V

Battery cell voltage 61: -- V

Battery cell voltage 62: -- V

Battery cell voltage 63: -- V

Battery cell voltage 64: -- V

Battery cell voltage 65: -- V

Battery cell voltage 66: -- V

Battery cell voltage 67: -- V

Battery cell voltage 68: -- V

Battery cell voltage 69: -- V

Battery cell voltage 70: -- V

Battery cell voltage 71: -- V

Battery cell voltage 72: -- V

Battery cell voltage 73: -- V

Battery cell voltage 74: -- V

Battery cell voltage 75: -- V

Battery cell voltage 76: -- V

Battery cell voltage 77: -- V

Battery cell voltage 78: -- V

Battery cell voltage 79: -- V

Battery cell voltage 80: -- V

Battery cell voltage 81: -- V

Battery cell voltage 82: -- V

Battery cell voltage 83: -- V

Battery cell voltage 84: -- V

Battery cell voltage 85: -- V

Battery cell voltage 86: -- V

Battery cell voltage 87: -- V

Battery cell voltage 88: -- V

Battery cell voltage 89: -- V

Battery cell voltage 90: -- V

Battery cell voltage 91: -- V

Battery cell voltage 92: -- V

Battery cell voltage 93: -- V

Battery cell voltage 94: -- V

Battery cell voltage 95: -- V

Battery cell voltage 96: -- V

Max internal resistance: -- mOhm

Max internal resistance cell no.: --

Average internal resistance: -- mOhm

Battery cell voltage deviation: -- V

Battery module 6 temperature: -- °C

Available charge power: -- kW

Available discharge power: -- kW

Cell balancing status: --

Number of balancing cell: --

Fan2 ready: --

Fan ready: --

Fan2 initialize: --

Fan initialize: --

Fan2 running: --

Fan running: --

Fan2 fault: --

Fan fault: --

Fan2 SW version: --

Fan SW version: --

Fan motor rpm: -- rpm

Fan current: -- A

Fan2 motor rpm: -- rpm

Fan2 current: -- A

Fan2 speed status: --

Fan2 feedback signal: -- Hz

Inlet temperature 2: -- °C

Charging target voltage command: -- V

Charging target current command: -- A

Relay ON count: --

Max deterioration: -- %

Max deterioration cell no: --

Min deterioration: -- %

Min deterioration cell no: --

Display SOC: -- %

Actuators test


Fan 1st

Fan 2nd

Fan 3rd

Fan 4th

Fan 5th

Fan 6th

Fan 7th

Fan 8th

Fan 9th

Fan Stop

Fan2 1st

Fan2 2nd

Fan2 3rd

Fan2 4th

Fan2 5th

Fan2 6th

Fan2 7th

Fan2 8th

Fan2 9th


Main Relay(-) ON

Precharge Relay ON

Main Relay(-), Precharge Relay ON simultaneous

Main Relay(-), Main Relay(+) ON Normal Sequence

Main Relay(-)(+), Precharge Relay OFF simultaneous

Main Relay (+) ON

OBC (On Board Charger) Relay(+) ON

OBC Relay (-) ON

OBC Relay (+)/(-) ON simultaneous



Isolation Breakdown Detection function

SOC Calibration