Car, KIA, Korea, K9 (RJ), 2021, G 3.3 GDI LAMBDA II, Driveshaft (4WD)

4WD - Driveshaft (4WD) - 0


Software version bootloader:

ECU serial number ::

Vehicle manufacturer ECU hardware number:

Supplier ECU hardware number:

System ECU software number:


P182411: Pump for 4WD slow thermal overload


Clear DTC

Data stream

Engine speed: 0.0 rpm

Battery voltage: 0.00 V

Computed command torque: 0.0 N·m

Computing clutch duty: 0.0 %

PCB temperature: 0.0 °C

Computed clutch stress: 0.0 %

AWD warning lamp - ECU failure: Off

AWD warning lamp - motor failure: Off

AWD warning lamp - clutch failure: Off

Vehicle speed: 0 km/h

Acceleration pedal: 0.0 %

Brake active information: Not support

Gear position (current): P, N

Motor current: 0.0 A

Steering wheel angle sensor: 0.0 °

Actual clutch torque: 0.0 N·m

Actual clutch pressure: 0.0 bar

Computed motor stress: 0.0 %

Diagnostic flag of ASW (vehicle observer): 255

Diagnostic flag of ASW (cluth controller): 65535

Temporal diagnostic flag of BSW, HW 1: 4294967295

Temporal diagnostic flag of BSW, HW 2: 4294967295

Diagnostic flag of BSW, HW 1: 4294967295

Diagnostic flag of BSW, HW 2: 4294967295

Ignition status: Off

Output shaft speed: 0.0 rpm

Front axle: 0.0

Steering angle offset: 0.0 °

Yaw rate: 0.0 °/sec

ESP control mode: Error

ESP limitation mode: Minimum

Hetero tire ratio: 0.0 %

Hetero tire level: 0

Delta speed between front and rear axle: 0.0 rpm

Computed clutch work: 0.0 kWh

Computed motor work: 0.0 kWh

Raw value of sensor output: 0

Actuators test


Lamp control



Clutch learning reset

Air Bleeding Mode