Όχημα, KIA, Korea, K7 (YG), 2021, G 2.5 GDI Theta lll, Rear seat heater, seat ventilation control module (SHVU-R)

Μονάδα ελέγχου αμαξώματος - Rear seat heater/seat ventilation control module (SHVU-R) - 0


CAN data base version number :: --

Vehicle manufacturer spare part number: --

Date of manufacture: ECU manufacturing date: --

Σειριακός αριθμός ECU: --

Αριθμός hardware ECU κατασκευαστή οχήματος : --

Hardware version for suppliers: system supplier ECU hardware version number: --

System supplier ECU software version number: --

HKMC manufacture software version number: --

Supplier ECU ID: --

ECU software unit number: --

ECU software unit 1 version: --

ECU software unit 2 version: --

ECU software unit 3 version: --

ECU software unit 4 version: --

ECU software unit 5 version: --

ECU software unit 6 version: --

ECU software unit 7 version: --

ECU software unit 8 version: --

ECU software unit 9 version: --

ECU software unit 10 version: --

Κωδικοί Βλαβών


Διαγραφή κωδικών

Ροή δεδομένων

Δοκιμή ενεργο­ποιητών


Front seat heat mode to the high

Front seat vent mode to the high

Driver seat heat mode to the high

Driver seat vent mode to the high

Passenger seat heat mode to the high

Passenger seat vent mode to the high

Rear seat heat mode to the high

Rear seat vent mode to the high

Rear left seat heat mode to the high

Rear left seat vent mode to the high

Rear right seat heat mode to the high

Rear right seat vent mode to the high