Σύστημα πέδησης - EBS (CAN) - 0
Αριθμός είδους Bosch: 89ABCDE
Κωδικοί Βλαβών
Διαγραφή κωδικών
Ροή δεδομένων
Τάση μπαταρίας: 16.50 V
Electronic Pneumatic Module (EPM) power supply wheel 1: -- V
Electronic Pneumatic Module (EPM) power supply wheel 2: -- V
Electronic Pneumatic Module (EPM) power supply wheel 3: -- V
Electronic Pneumatic Module (EPM) power supply wheel 4: -- V
Electronic Pneumatic Module (EPM) power supply wheel 5: -- V
Electronic Pneumatic Module (EPM) power supply wheel 6: -- V
Electronic Pneumatic Module (EPM) power supply wheel 7: -- V
Electronic Pneumatic Module (EPM) power supply wheel 8: -- V
Τάση ανάφλεξης: 16.50 V
Θέση πεντάλ φρένου: 16.4 %
Μπλοκέ διαφορικό: Δεν εξακριβώθηκε
Difflock Feedback: Εκτός
Off road input switch: Εντός
Αισθητήρας πλευρικής επιτάχυνσης: 24.00 m/s²
Lateral acceleration sensor offset: -3.64 m/s²
Calibrated steering angle sensor offset: -0.95 rad
Voltage of FBM signal 1: 10.50 V
Voltage of FBM signal 2: 10.50 V
Air gap speed wheel 1: 61.2 km/h
Air gap speed wheel 2: 61.2 km/h
Air gap speed wheel 6: 61.2 km/h
Air gap speed wheel 7: 61.2 km/h
Air gap speed wheel 8: 61.2 km/h
Air gap speed wheel 3: 61.2 km/h
Air gap speed wheel 2: 61.2 km/h
Pressure wheel 1: 12.00 bar
Pressure wheel 2: 12.00 bar
Pressure wheel 3: 12.00 bar
Pressure wheel 4: 12.00 bar
Pressure wheel 5: 12.00 bar
Pressure wheel 6: 12.00 bar
Pressure wheel 7: 12.00 bar
Pressure wheel 8: 12.00 bar
Wheel speed 1: 57.61 km/h
Wheel speed 2: 57.61 km/h
Wheel speed 3: 57.61 km/h
Wheel speed 4: 57.61 km/h
Wheel speed 5: 57.61 km/h
Wheel speed 6: 57.61 km/h
Wheel speed 7: 57.61 km/h
Wheel speed 8: 57.61 km/h