Bil, HYUNDAI, General, GENESIS (BH), 2010, G 4.6 MPI, Power seat module (PSM)

Body kontrol modul - Power seat module (PSM) - 0


Dele nummer:

Dato: FF FF FF

Software version number: FF

Hardware version nummer: FF

Can DB ver.: FF FF



Clear DTC

Levende Data

Supply voltage for sensor: 15.30 V

Slide motor open state: NG

Slide motor circuit short to ground state: NG

Recline motor open state: NG

Recline motor circuit short to ground state: NG

Front height motor open state: NG

Front height motor circuit short to ground state: NG

Rear height motor open state: NG

Rear height motor circuit short to ground state: NG

Signal tænding 1: Tænd

Slide forward switch: Tænd

Recline forward switch: Tænd

Slide backward switch: Tænd

Recline backward switch: Tænd

Slide forward limit switch: Tænd

Recline forward limit switch: Tænd

Slide backward limit switch: Tænd

Recline backward limit switch: Tænd

Front height up limit switch: Tænd

Seat front height up switch: Tænd

Front height down limit switch: Tænd

Seat front height down switch: Tænd

Rear height up limit switch: Tænd

Seat rear height up switch: Tænd

Rear height down limit switch: Tænd

Seat rear height down switch: Tænd

Front height motor up output: Tænd

Slide forward motor output: Tænd

Front height motor down output: Tænd

Slide backward motor output: Tænd

Rear height motor up output: Tænd

Recline forward motor output: Tænd

Rear height motor down output: Tænd

Recline backward motor output: Tænd

Recline position: 4080 edge

Slide position: 4080 edge

Front height position: 1020 edge

Rear height position: 1020 edge

Udgangs test


Power seat slide forward motor

Power seat slide backward motor

Power seat recline forward motor

Power seat recline backward motor

Power Seat Front Height Up Motor

Power Seat Front Height Down Motor

Power Seat Rear Height Up Motor

Power Seat Rear Height Down Motor