PKW, HYUNDAI, General, EQUUS , CENTENNIAL (VI), 2016, G 3.8 GDI, Lane departure warning system (LDWS)
Geschwindigkeits - regelung - Lane departure warning system (LDWS) - 0
Vehicle code :: "
Auto code ::
System name:
Calibration programm date: FF FF FF FF
Software version bootloader:
ECU software version number:
Supplier ECU hardware number:
Fehlercode löschen
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 255 kph
Inputed speed unit: mph
Warning status of left line: -
Warning status of right line: -
Systemzustand: System fail
Haptic warning device operation command: Operate
Status of right turn signal: EIN
Vehicle speed status - threshold velocity of LDWS operation: Exceeded
Status of recognization of left line: Erkannt
Status of recognization of right line: Erkannt
Status of wiper operation:
Status of left turn signal: EIN
Image horizontal center position: 255 Pixel
Image vertical center position: 255 Pixel
Status of calibration procedure execution: -
Status of local setting: Not setted
Status of handle side setting: Not setted
LDWS reference point calibration
LDWS Variant Coding