Bil, HYUNDAI, General, I40 (VF), 2016, G 2.0 GDI, Liftgate, Trunk module (PTM)
Body kontrol modul - Liftgate/Trunk module (PTM) - 0
Dele nummer:
Software version number:
Hardware version nummer:
Can DB ver.:
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Battery power voltage: 20.40 V
Drive motor operating current - LH: 20.4 A
Drive motor operating current - RH: 20.4 A
Power latch operating current: 20.4 A
Tailgate open position: 102.0 %
Motor speed of revolution - LH: 6375 Omdr.
Motor speed of revolution - RH: 6375 Omdr.
ECU temperature: 215 °C
Tailgate inner switch LED lamp: Tænd
Power latch secondary switch status: Tænd
Left antipinch strip sensor status: Wire Broken
Power latch primary switch status: Tænd
Power latch home position switch status: Tænd
Right antipinch strip sensor status: Wire Broken
Tailgate out side handle switch: Tænd
Battery power voltage in range: Inden for specifikationer
Hazard warning lights telltale: -
Unknown tail gate position flag: Known
Tailgate interior switch status: Tænd
Tailgate master switch status: Tænd
Tailgate inner switch status: Tænd
Power latch operation status: -
Buzzer state: -
Learn process complete status: -
Tailgate operation status: -
Cluster CAN signal time out: Timeout
Spindle position error: Fejl
Box CAN signal time out: Timeout
ECU error: Fejl
Anti play activity status: -