Bil, HYUNDAI, General, I40 (VF), 2015, G 2.0 GDI, Lane keeping assist control (LKAS)

Hastigheds kontrol - Lane keeping assist control (LKAS) - 0


Software version bootloader: FF

Software version bootloader: FF FF FF

Software version bootloader:

Application software number :: FF

Application software number :: FF FF FF

Application software number ::

Applied ID :: FF

Applied ID :: FF FF FF

Applied ID ::

Vehicle manufacturer ECU software version number:

Vehicle manufacturer ECU software version number:

Vehicle manufacturer ECU software version number:

Vehicle manufacturer ECU software version number:

Vehicle manufacturer ECU software version number:

Vehicle manufacturer ECU software version number:

Supplier ECU ID: FF FF

ECU manufacturing :: FF FF FF

ECU serial number:

Supplier ECU hardware number:

Supplier ECU hardware version:

Supplier ECU software number:


P3300: Ukendt fejlkode


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Number of flash ROM re-writings: 255

Camera alignment calibration method: Standard

foe(Focus of Expansion) X: 65535

foe(Focus of Expansion) Y: 65535

Krængningsvinkel: -0.000 rad

Ignition feed voltage: 321.71 V

Gearbox reverse signal: Ugyldig

Master switch status: -

Left indicator status: Tænd

Right indicator status: Tænd

ESC active: ESC active

VSM active: VSM Control Active

Activate TOL (Torque over lay) state: Activate

LKAS TOL (Torque over lay) fault: SANDT

Landekode: Nordamerika

Left/Right hand drive: Left hand

Vehicle line: HG (Standard)

Vehicle transmission type: Manuelt

Vehicle model: Wagon

LDW model 1: Deaktiver

Køretøjs hastighed : 32767.5 km/h

Drejningshastighed: 10.727 rad/s

Sideacceleration: 645.120 m/s²

Ratvinkelføler: -0.1 °

Steering wheel rotation speed: 17.809 rad/s

Steering torque request: 504.0 N·m

Active diagnostic status of server: Boot

Active diagnostic session: Extended diagnostic session



SPTAC Calibration



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