Car, HYUNDAI, Korea, G80 (RG3), 2022, D 2.2 TCI NEW R, Front radar (FR_RADAR)

Brake system - Front radar (FR_RADAR) - 0


Vehicle name: --

System identification: --

SCC type :: --

HDA NSCC type: --

FCA-Car (stationary): --

FCA-Car (moving): --

FCA ped: --

ECU HW version: --

ECU software version: --

HKMC part number: --

Vehicle manufacturer spare part number: --

Date of manufacture: ECU manufacturing date: --

Manufacture year: --

Month of manufacture: --

Day of manufacture: --

ECU type: --

Serial number: --

Software version: --

Supplier ECU ID: --



Clear DTC

Data stream

Align target range: -- cm

Mounting height: -- mm

Lateral mounting offset: -- mm

Factory align result: --

Service alignment result: --

Align horizontal misalignment angle: -- °

Align vertical misalignment angle: -- °

Service alignment progress: -- %

Option error status: --

Ignition voltage: -- V

Vehicle speed: -- km/h

SET speed: -- km/h

Braking status: --

Over ride: --

Main switch: --

Distance to relevant object: -- m

SCC system status: --

Navigation status: --

Relative velocity to relevant object: -- m/s

SCC enable option: --

FCA pedestrian option: --

Driver seat position: --

FCA enable option: --

Transmission option: --

HDA option: --

NAVI SCC-Z option: --

NAVI SCC-C option: --

ADAS DRV option: --

Sensor type: --

FCA cyclist option: --

Market code: --

FCA-JT option: --

FCA-JC option: --