Bil, HONDA, LAGREAT, Hydraulic brake booster (HYDRBST)

Bremse system - Hydraulic brake booster (HYDRBST) - 0


Identificere : 0600001500


47: Relation of PMC sensor and PREG sensor malfunction

46: Relation of brake pedal stroke sensor and PREG sensor malfunction

45: Relation of brake pedal stroke sensor and PMC sensor malfunction

44: Partial of brake pedal stroke sensor malfunction

43: Master cylinder malfunction

42: Regulator malfunction

41: Accumulator pressure low


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Højre baghjulshastighedsføler: OK

Venstre baghjuls hastighedsføler: OK

Højre forhjulshastighedsføler: OK

Venstre forhjulshastighedsføler: OK

Communication with METER: Fejl

Communication with CVT: OK

Communication with engine module: OK

Communication with ABS/VSA: OK

IMA/ENG unit information: OK

ABS/VSA unit information: OK

Offset data for calibrating brake pedal stroke sensor (effective stroke): 0.14 V

Offset data for calibrating brake pedal stroke sensor: 0.12 V

Offset data for calibrating master cylinder pressure sensor: 0.20 V

Offset data for calibrating servo regulator pressure sensor: 0.02 V

Servo regulator pressure sensor: 5.2 MPa

Regulator valve out-port pressure sensor output: 0.33 V

Brake pedal stroke value: 4.2 mm

Brake pedal stroke sensor: 1.04 V

Master cylinder pressure: 8.0 MPa

Master cylinder pressure sensor: 1.39 V

Accumulator pressure sensor: 12.0 MPa

Accumulator pressure sensor: 1.97 V

CVT shift position: P

Idle stop switch: Sluk

Buzzer output status: Sluk

Brake warning telltale: Sluk

Status of warning lamp: Sluk

Parking brake switch: Tænd

Kontakt for bremsevæskeniveau: Normal

Bremsepedalkontakt: Sluk

IG2 voltage: 12.8 V

IG1 voltage: 12.9 V

Supply voltage for sensor: 4.90 V

Pump motor power supply: 11.8 V

Backup voltage: 11.4 V

ECU power supply: 12.6 V

Højre baghjulshastighedsføler: 0 km/h

Venstre baghjuls hastighedsføler: 0 km/h

Højre forhjulshastighedsføler: 0 km/h

Venstre forhjulshastighedsføler: 0 km/h

Motor Hastighed: 0 Omdr.

Udgangs test
