PKW, ALFA-ROMEO, MITO (955), Tire Pressure Control (TPMS) TRW

Reifendrucküberwachung - Tire Pressure Control (TPMS) TRW - 0


Boot software fingerprint - programming date month: --

Boot software fingerprint - module ID: --

Application software fingerprint - programming date month: --

Application software fingerprint - module ID: --

Application data fingerprint - programming date month: --

Application data fingerprint - module ID: --

Hardwareversion: --

Boot software identification - supplier: --

Boot software identification - number of modules: --

Boot software identification - module identification: --

Application software identification - supplier: --

Application software identification - number of modules: --

Application software identification - module Identification: --

Application data identification - supplier: --

Application data identification - number of modules: --

Application data identification - module identification: --

Boot software fingerprint - programming date day: --

Application software fingerprint - programming date day: --

Application data fingerprint - programming date day: --

Software-Versionsnummer: --

EOL configuration code: --

Boot software fingerprint - programming date year: --

Application software fingerprint - programming date year: --

Application data fingerprint - programming date year: --

Boot software identification - version module identification: --

Application software identification - version module identification: --

Application data identification - version module identification: --

Boot software fingerprint - tester code: --

Application software fingerprint - tester code: --

Application data fingerprint - tester code: --

Spare part number: --

VIS Original: --

WMI Original: --

VDS original: --

Hardwarenummer: --

Softwarenummer: --

Freigabe Code: --

Sincom: --

Factory: --

Series: --

FIAT number: 51811514

Hardwarenummer: 0263004298

Hardwareversion: 13

Softwarenummer: 1.12

Softwareversion: 01 02

Freigabe Code:

Spare part number: 51811514

VIS Original:

WMI Original:

WMI current: --

VIS current: --

VDS Current: --

FIN: --

Vehicle manufacturer ECU hardware number: --

ISO code: F4 02 86 8A 5B



Fehlercode löschen


Batteriespannung: 14.301 V

Geber für Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 58290 km/h

Number of sensors: 58290

Front wheels pressure reference at low speed: 65.535 Bar

Rear wheels pressure reference at low speed: 65.535 Bar

Front wheels pressure reference at high speed: 56.831 Bar

Rear wheels pressure reference at high speed: 45.990 Bar

Left front tire sensor ID: B3 A6 FF FF

Right front tire sensor ID: B3 A6 FF FF

Left rear tire sensor ID: B3 A6 FF FF

Right rear tire sensor ID: --

Tire 1st ID: 11 22 33 44

Tire 2nd ID: 11 22 33 44

Tire 3rd ID: 11 22 33 44

Tire 4th ID: 11 22 33 44

Tire 5th ID: 11 22 33 44

Reifendruck vorn links: 58.295 Bar

Reifentemperatur vorne links: 15825 °C

Reifendruck vorn rechts: 62.391 Bar

Reifentemperatur vorne rechts: 32767 °C

Reifendruck hinten links: 62.391 Bar

Reifentemperatur hinten rechts: 7513 °C

Reifendruck hinten rechts: 62.391 Bar

Reifentemperatur vorne links: -117 °C

Electromagnetic interference: 2131 %



Tire pressure warning light