Bremsanlage - ABS/ESP - 0


Boot software fingerprint - programming date month: --

Boot software fingerprint - module ID: --

Application software fingerprint - programming date month: --

Application software fingerprint - module ID: --

Application data fingerprint - programming date month: 16

Application data fingerprint - module ID: 1

Hardwareversion: --

Boot software identification - supplier: --

Boot software identification - number of modules: --

Boot software identification - module identification: --

Application software identification - supplier: --

Application software identification - number of modules: --

Application software identification - module Identification: --

Application data identification - supplier: --

Application data identification - number of modules: --

Application data identification - module identification: --

Boot software fingerprint - programming date day: --

Application software fingerprint - programming date day: --

Application data fingerprint - programming date day: 01

Software-Versionsnummer: --

EOL configuration code: --

Boot software fingerprint - programming date year: --

Application software fingerprint - programming date year: --

Application data fingerprint - programming date year: 2008

Boot software identification - version module identification: --

Application software identification - version module identification: --

Application data identification - version module identification: --

Boot software fingerprint - tester code: --

Application software fingerprint - tester code: --

Application data fingerprint - tester code:

Spare part number: --

VIS Original: --

WMI Original: --

VDS original: --

Hardwarenummer: 0265800794

Softwarenummer: BB 64299

Freigabe Code: --

Sincom: --

Factory: --

Series: --

FIAT number: 71749884

Hardwarenummer: 0265800794

Hardwareversion: 00

Softwarenummer: BB 64299

Softwareversion: 03 00

Freigabe Code:

Spare part number: 71749884

VIS Original:

WMI Original:

WMI current: --

VIS current: --

VDS Current: --

FIN: --

Vehicle manufacturer ECU hardware number: --

ISO code: 00 06 50 3C 14


C006A: Multi axis acceleration sensor in Airbag system

C006C: Multi axis Acceleration Sensor identification fault in Airbag system


Fehlercode löschen


Raddrehzahlsensor vorn links: 512.0 km/h

Raddrehzahlsensor vorne rechts: 512.0 km/h

Raddrehzahlsensor hinten links: 512.0 km/h

Raddrehzahlsensor hinten rechts: 512.0 km/h

Bremsflüssigkeitsdrucksensor: 511.984 Bar

Geber für Lenkwinkel: -0.1 °

Gierratensensor: 4171.0 °/sec

Querbeschleunigung: 0.1 m/s²

Längsbeschleunigung: -0.9 m/s²

Bremspedal-Schalter 1: AUS

ASR or TCPlus or ESCOFF Switch: AUS

Bremspedal-Schalter 2: AUS

BLC Status: AUS

Schalter für Feststellbremse: AUS

TSC Status: AUS

Reversing status: EIN

TPMS switch: Nicht gedrückt

Traction control solenoid valve (primary) 1: AUS

Traction control solenoid valve (pilot) 1: AUS

Traction control solenoid valve (primary) 2: Fehler

Traction control solenoid valve (pilot) 2: Fehler

Einlassventil hinten links: AUS

Einlassventil hinten rechts: AUS

Auslassventil hinten links: EIN

Auslassventil hinten rechts: AUS

Einlassventil vorne links: AUS

Einlassventil vorne rechts: AUS

Auslassventil vorn links: Fehler

Auslassventil vorn rechts: EIN

ABS-Hydraulikmotor: EIN

EBD function: --

Hill-Holder function: --

ABS function: --

Traction control function: --

ESP function: --

ASR or TCPlus or ESCOFF enabled/disabled by the driver: --

ASR function: --

ERM function: --

ESC off telltale: --

Ventilrelais: --

Calibration status: --

Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 0.0 km/h

Batteriespannung: 65.535 V

Kilometerzähler: 1677477.4 km

Mileage on last programming: -- km

Programmierzähler: --

Start counter: 17092

Time since DTC ignition on: -- sec

Geber für Fahrgeschwindigkeit: Type DF10

Geber für Fahrgeschwindigkeit:

Roll bench mode: --

EBD fail status: --

EBD diagnostic safety indication request: --

ABS-Fehlerstatus: --

ABS diagnostic safety indication request: --

Richtung Rad hinten links: --

Richtung Rad hinten rechts: --

Raddrehzahlsensor hinten links: --

Raddrehzahlsensor hinten rechts: --

Odometer 1 - last Reset: -- km

Odometer 2 - last Reset: -- km

Odometer at last completed calibration: -- km

TPMS odometer at 2-nd last completed calibration: -- km

TPMS odometer at 3-rd last completed calibration: -- km

TPMS last warning event 1 - odometer reading: -- km

TPMS last warning event 2 - odometer reading: -- km

TPMS last warning event 3 - odometer reading: -- km

Warn reason 1- last warning: --

Warn reason 2- last warning: --

Warn reason 3- last warning: --

Vehicle speed at warning 1 - last warning: -- km/h

Vehicle speed at warning 2 - last warning: -- km/h

Vehicle speed at warning 3 - last warning: -- km/h



Einlassventil vorne links

Einlassventil vorne rechts

Einlassventil hinten links

Einlassventil hinten rechts

Auslassventil vorn links

Auslassventil vorn rechts

Auslassventil hinten links

Auslassventil hinten rechts

Traction control solenoid valve (primary) 1

Traction control solenoid valve (primary) 2

Traction control solenoid valve (pilot) 1

Traction control solenoid valve (pilot) 2


ABS Anzeige

EPB status telltale

EPB warning telltale

EBD telltale

ASR button telltale

ASR telltale

Hill hold failure telltale



Longitudinal acceleration sensor and lateral acceleration sensor calibration

Static test

TPMS calibration