Headlamp leveling - LADCT - 0
Supplier: Automotive lighting
Equipment number: 98 01 62 63 80
Software version: 02 00
Diagnostics e-mail: 00 00 00 00
Messaging index: OR
Service check signal: --
Factory check: --
Number of after sales jobs: --
Additional number: 98 01 62 63 80
Clear DTC
Master control unit for the 2 headlamps
Power supply: 14.90 V
Front body height sensor signal: 0.91 V
Rear body height sensor signal or rear LH: 2.95 V
Rear body height sensor signal right (if present): 4.21 V
Front body height sensor calibration voltage: 2.46 V
Rear body height sensor(s) calibration voltage: 1.90 V
Status of the vertical correction: Prohibited
Status of the horizontal correction: Prohibited
Left hand slave headlamp control unit
Vertical correction angle: 1.1 °
Horizontal correction angle: 2.2 °
Azimuth adjustment fault 3: Absent
Height adjustment fault 3: Absent
Azimuth adjustment fault 2: Absent
Height adjustment fault 2: Present
Azimuth adjustment fault 1: Present
Height adjustment fault 1: Present
Azimuth adjustment fault 4: Present
Height adjustment fault 4: Present
Right hand slave headlamp control unit
Vertical correction angle: 4.2 °
Horizontal correction angle: 0.0 °
Azimuth adjustment fault 3: Absent
Height adjustment fault 3: Present
Azimuth adjustment fault 2: Present
Height adjustment fault 2: Absent
Azimuth adjustment fault 1: Present
Height adjustment fault 1: Present
Azimuth adjustment fault 4: Absent
Height adjustment fault 4: Present
Actuators test
Vertical movement (Height)
Move headlamp horizontally
Vehicle height sensor programming