Styretøj - VCCF CAN - 0


Supplier: ZF

Udstyrs nummer: 96 64 05 87 80

Softwareversion: 00 00

Diagnostics e-mail: 00 00 00 00

Messaging index: OR

Service check signal: no control

Factory check: no control

Number of after sales jobs: 8.0

Additional number: 96 62 16 66 77


14: Electronic control unit (ECU) software fault

00: Ukendt fejlkode


Clear DTC

Lighting and signalling controls

"Minus" fog lamps control: Ikke aktiv

"Plus" fog lamps control: Aktiv

Headlight flash: Ikke aktiv

Dipped main beam inverter: Ikke aktiv

4 position light control/switch: Sluk

Exterior light button control: Inaktiv

Direction indicator control: Sluk

Miscellaneous information

Konfiguration: Inaktiv

Voice: Inaktiv

Directory button: Inaktiv

Horn: Inaktiv

Air recirculation: Inaktiv


Single sweep windscreen wiping: Inaktiv

Windscreen wiper control: Inaktiv

Rear screen wash control: Inaktiv

Rear wiper control: Inaktiv

Windscreen wash control: Inaktiv

Windscreen wiper control: Automatic or intermittent

Cruise control/speed limiter

Decrease cruising speed: Inaktiv

Increase cruising speed: Inaktiv

Switch cruise control/speed limiter to standby: Inaktiv

Cruise control/speed limiter: Speed restriction

Radio remote control

Volume decrease control: Inaktiv

Radio control "Ascending search": Inaktiv

Volume increase control: Inaktiv

Selection of stored station: -128

Multifunction screen

Multifunction display (MFD): -128

ESC button: Inaktiv

Ok button: Inaktiv

MODE button: Inaktiv

Menuknap: Inaktiv

Levende Data

"Minus" fog lamps control: Ikke aktiv

"Plus" fog lamps control: Aktiv

Headlight flash: Ikke aktiv

Dipped main beam inverter: Ikke aktiv

4 position light control/switch: Sluk

Exterior light button control: Inaktiv

Single sweep windscreen wiping: Inaktiv

Windscreen wiper control: Inaktiv

Rear screen wash control: Inaktiv

Rear wiper control: Inaktiv

Windscreen wash control: Inaktiv

Windscreen wiper control: Automatic or intermittent

Direction indicator control: Sluk

Decrease cruising speed: Inaktiv

Available space measurement system: Not available

Increase cruising speed: Inaktiv

Switch cruise control/speed limiter to standby: Inaktiv

Cruise control/speed limiter: Speed restriction

Konfiguration: Inaktiv

Voice: Inaktiv

Directory button: Inaktiv

Horn: Inaktiv

Volume decrease control: Inaktiv

Radio control "Ascending search": Inaktiv

Volume increase control: Inaktiv

Selection of stored station: -128

Multifunction display (MFD): -128

ESC button: Inaktiv

Ok button: Inaktiv

MODE button: Inaktiv

Menuknap: Inaktiv

Air recirculation: Inaktiv

Udgangs test


Warning sound

Pre-warning sound

Warning configuration sound

Headlamps on reminder sound

Ignition key reminder sound

Indicator sound

Indicator sound

Obstacle direction sound

Continuous sound for detection of an obstacle

Back lighting