Bil, CITROEN, C3 Picasso, HDC

Styretøj - HDC - 0


Supplier: Sagem/JCAE

Udstyrs nummer: 96 63 71 15 80

Softwareversion: 02 01

Diagnostics e-mail: 00 00 00 00

Messaging index: K

Service check signal: Controlled

Factory check: Controlled

Number of after sales jobs: 18.0

Additional number: 96 64 39 44 77


00: Ukendt fejlkode


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Dipped headlamps/main beam headlamps inverter: Ikke aktiv

Control status: left push button: Aktiv

"Minus" fog lamps control: Ikke aktiv

"Plus" fog lamps control: Ikke aktiv

Press control for main beam headlamps: Ikke aktiv

3 position light control/switch: dipped

Front one touch wiper control: Inaktiv

Trip computer: Aktiveret

Rear screen wash control: Ikke aktiveret

Rear screen wash control: Ikke aktiveret

Windscreen wash control: Aktiveret

Front windscreen wipers control: slow speed

4 position light control/switch: dipped

Indicator light control: Not valid

"Speed minus" cruise control switch: Aktiveret

Increase cruising speed: Inaktiv

Switch cruise control/speed limiter to standby: Aktiveret

Cruise control/speed limiter: Not selected

Horn: Aktiveret

Telephone mode radio control (mute): Aktiveret

Radio control "descending search": Aktiveret

Audio volume down switch: Aktiveret

Radio control "Ascending search": Inaktiv

Audio volume up switch: Aktiveret

Radio control - SCAN dial counter: 6

Udgangs test


Warning sound

Pre-warning sound

Warning configuration sound

Lights left On

Ignition key reminder sound

Direction indicator (low-pitched sound)

Direction indicator (high-pitched sound)

Park assist speaker