Bil, CITROEN, DS3, Battery charge status control unit

Strøm kilde kontrol - Battery charge status control unit - 0


ECU manufacturer: Bosch

PSA reference: 98 04 83 32 80

Softwareversion: 04 10

Diagnostic index: OR

Additional number: 96 78 11 63 80


Levende Data

Batteritype: 70 Ah

Battery technology type: Fluid

Name supplier of battery: Exide

Calibration of the wake-up threshold for the battery charge status control unit (BECB) in correlation with the pre-starting information: All models

Motortype: Unavailable

Batteri spænding: 3.001 V

Batteristrøm: -3.520 A

Batteritemperatur: -30 °C

Battery charge: 250 %

Battery charge status: Faulty ( acquisition problem)

Levende Data

Batteritype: 70 Ah

Batteri spænding: 3.001 V

Batteristrøm: -3.520 A

Batteritemperatur: -30 °C

Battery charge: 250 %

Battery charge status: Faulty ( acquisition problem)



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