Car, CHEVROLET, Trax, 2017, Rear differential clutch control module

4WD - Rear differential clutch control module - 0


VIN no: W0LGT8EBXA1007787

Subscriber ID: O100057235

Identifier: 00 00

XML configuration compatibility identifier: 1

XML data file part number: 0

XML data file alpha code:

Manufacturer enable counter (MEC): 0

Manufacturer`s traceability number: --

Software module 1 identifier: 12654173

Software module 2 identifier: 55577673

End model part number: 55577619

Base model part number: 55574337

Software module 1 identifier alpha code: AA

Software module 2 identifier alpha code: AA

End model part number alpha code: 00

Base model part number alpha code: 00

GMLAN identification data - bus 1 type: High speed CAN-bus

GMLAN identification data - GMLAN kernel 1 version: 00 00

GMLAN identification data - data dictionary 1 version: --



Clear DTC

Data stream

All wheel drive (AWD): Enabled

Rear drive clutch external control: Allowed

Rear drive clutch service calibration: 00

Left front wheel speed sensor: 0.00 km/h

Right front wheel speed sensor: 0.00 km/h

Right rear wheel speed sensor: 0.00 km/h

Left rear wheel speed sensor: 0.00 km/h

AWD disabled-by-malfunction counter: 0 Counts

Rear drive clutch status: Normal

Rear drive clutch circuit voltage: 0.0 V

Rear drive clutch oil temperature: -40 °C

Calculated rear differential clutch speed variation: -1024 rpm

Rear drive clutch torque command: 0 N·m

Rear drive clutch estimated torque: 0 N·m

Configuration data

AWD disabled-by-malfunction counter: 0 Counts

Calibration history

Rear drive clutch service calibration: 00

Rear axle disable data

Number of times loss of communication with the EBCM was detected: 0

Number of times an undervoltage was detected: 0

Number of times a spare tire was detected by the EBCM: --

Number of times an abnormal tire size was detected: --

Number of overtemperature protection events: --

Number of times an invalid left front wheel speed was detected: --

Number of times an invalid right front wheel speed was detected: --

Number of times an invalid left rear wheel speed was detected: --

Number of times an invalid right rear wheel speed was detected: --

Left front wheel speed: Ok

Right front wheel speed: Ok

Left rear wheel speed: Ok

Right rear wheel speed: Ok

Actuators test


Rear drive torque command

Rear drive clutch solenoid valve

Rear differential clutch solenoid valve