Bil, GWM, HAVAL DARGO, Power liftgate (PLG)

Dør moduler - Power liftgate (PLG) - 0


Vehicle manufacturer spare part number:

Supplier number:

Serie nummer: --

UIN: FS0N2P2777777888

Hardware version nummer:

Software version number:

Vehicle manufacturer ECU software version number:

Calibration software version number:

Manufacture bootloader software version number:

C-Matrix version: --

Stel nr.:

Identificere : BE2456722

Node address:

Comp identifier 1:


Tool ID:

Comp identifier 2: --

Fingerprint: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000



Clear DTC

Levende Data

Primary switch: Tænd

Secondary switch: Tænd

Shut face switch: Tænd

Latch home position: Tænd

Hall sensor power supply status (left side): Sluk

Hall sensor input 1 (left side): Ground

Hall sensor input 2 (left side): Ground

Tailgate open position: 65535

Maximum opening position (learned): 65535

Programmed top basic position: 65535

The last interrupted reason: forbeholdt

The last start reason: forbeholdt

Reject reason open: status: Left spindle motor open circuit

Reject reason close: status: forbeholdt

Mechanical end position learned time: 00000000

Mechanical end position clear time: 00000000

Supply voltage: 13.60 V

Udgangs test


Bagagerumsklap åben/lukket