1JZFSE - Engine (ECM) - 0
Calibration ID: 1234567890234567
Calibration ID 2: qwertyuiopasdfgh
Calibration ID 3: 3456
OBD requirements: OBD and OBDII
Total distance traveled: 1118481
Total distance traveled: Km
P0172: Fuel trim system, bank 1 too rich
P1170: Fuel Performance/Port injector
P117B: Fuel Performance/Direct injector
P1605: Rough idling
Clear DTC
Data stream
Status of active grille air shutter: Not defined
Battery voltage (ADC): 5.333 V
Drive mode: Normal
Snow or 2nd start mode: On
Misfire test: Complete
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 test: Complete
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 test: Complete
O2 sensor 2, bank 2 test: Off
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 test: Off
NT/NIM sensor test results: Completed
Secondary air injection system test: Completed
Misfire cylinder 1: 238
Misfire cylinder 2: 238
Misfire cylinder 3: 238
Misfire cylinder 1: 238
Misfire cylinder 2: 238
Misfire cylinder 3: 238
Misfire cylinder 4: 238
Misfire cylinder 5: 238
Misfire cylinder 6: 238
Electrical load signal 2: Off
Electrical load signal 1: Off
Electrical load signal 3: Off
Oil level switch: Off
Gear neutral sensor position: Off
Stop light switch: Off
Starter switch: Off
Key unlock signal: Off
A/C pressure normal switch: Off
4WD switch: Off
ASL switch: Off
Catalyst regeneration switch: Off
Clutch switch: Off
Cruise control main switch: Off
ECO mode switch: Off
Fuel lid switch: Close
Fuel lid opener switch: Close
Intake manifold tuning (IMT) system, valve switch: Off
Kickdown switch: Off
Cancel switch: Off
Power steering switch: Off
Power mode switch: Off
Gear lever position - park: Off
Gear lever position - reverse: Off
Gear lever position - neutral: Off
Gear lever position - drive: Off
Gear lever position - S: Off
Snow mode switch: Off
Sport shift up signal: Off
Sport shift down signal: Off
Transmission fluid pressure switch 1: Off
Transmission fluid pressure switch 2: Off
Transmission fluid pressure switch 3: Off
Transmission fluid pressure switch 4: Off
Transmission fluid pressure switch 5: Off
Transmission fluid pressure switch 6: Off
Vehicle special signal 1: Off
Transfer L4: Off
SD switch: --
Gear lever position - B: --
4WD mode switch (Track): --
Total term fuel trim bank 1: 0.430
Total term fuel trim bank 2: -0.434
Injection volume cylinder 1: 0.136 ml
Injector (Port): 4369 us
Injection time cylinder 1 (D4): 4369 us
Injection timing (D4): -2839.9 °
Accelerator pedal position from EFI: 8.5 %
HP FP discharge rate: 1.911 ml
Fuel pump duty (D4): 119.0 %
High pressure fuel pump 2 discharge rate: 1.911 ml
High pressure fuel pump 2 duty ratio (D4): 119.0 %
Fuel high pressure sensor: 55.46 MPa
Injection control malfunction (fail safe function): Abnormal
Injection control malfunction (injector current carrying time 1): Abnormal
Injection control malfunction (injector current carrying time 2): Abnormal
Injection control malfunction (injector current carrying time 3): Abnormal
Injection control malfunction (target injection volume 1): Abnormal
Injection control malfunction (target injection volume 2): Abnormal
Injection control malfunction (target injection volume 3): Abnormal
Injection: Port
Injection switching status: NG
Vacuum pump: Off
VSV for vent valve: Off
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater duty cycle: 28.4 %
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 heater duty cycle: 26.7 %
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater: 4.666 A
O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 19831.16 Ohm
O2 sensor 2, bank 2 heater: 0.333 A
O2 sensor 2, bank 2: 1416.51 Ohm
A/F sensor 1, bank 1 lambda: 0.133
A/F sensor 1, bank 2: 0.533 V
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: On
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 heater control: On
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater: Active
O2 sensor 2, bank 2 heater control: Active
A/F learn value idle bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value low bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid 1 bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid 2 bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value high bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value idle bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value low bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid 1 bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid 2 bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value high bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value high (dual/port) bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value low (dual) bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value low (dual/port) bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid (dual) 1 bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid (dual/port) 1 bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid (dual) 2 bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid (dual/port) 2 bank 1: -43.4 %
A/F learn value low (dual) bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid (dual) 1 bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid (dual) 2 bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value high (dual) bank 2: -43.4 %
Gasoline particulate filter (GPF) differential pressure sensor bank 1: -283.99 %
Gasoline particulate filter (GPF) differential pressure sensor bank 2: 283.98 %
Fuel temperature sensor: 198 °C
Fuel composition sensor: Unknown
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater: 4.369 A
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater duty cycle: 28.1 %
A/F sensor 2, bank 1 impedance: 1416.51 Ohm
O2 sensor 2, bank 2 heater: 4.369 A
O2 sensor 2, bank 2 heater duty cycle: 28.1 %
A/F sensor 2, bank 2 impedance: 1416.51 Ohm
Clogged EGR port imbalance ratio: 0.17
A/F sensor determination (worst value) #1: 0.17
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #1: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #2: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #3: --
A/F sensor determination (worst value) bank 1: 0.17
A/F sensor determination (worst value) #2: 0.17
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #1: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #2: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #3: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #4: --
A/F sensor determination (worst value) port bank 1: 0.17
A/F sensor determination (worst value) port bank 2: 0.17
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #1: 0.17
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #2: 0.17
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #3: 0.17
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #4: 0.17
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #5: 0.17
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #6: 0.17
A/F sensor determination (worst value) port bank 1: 2.38
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #1: 2.38
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #2: 2.38
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #3: 2.38
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #4: 2.38
Immobiliser fuel cut-off history: Off
Immobiliser fuel cut-off: Off
Coolant temperature at engine start: 108.7 °C
Initial engine coolant temp: 108.7 °C
Intake air temperature at engine start: 108.7 °C
Initial intake air temp: 108.7 °C
Electric water pump target speed: 1825 rpm
Electric water Pump(EWP) speed: 525 rpm
Tumble control valve position sensor: -- V
Tumble control valve position: -- °
Radiator coolant temperature sensor: 198 °C
Cooling fan control duty: 42.50 %
Cooling fan control duty ratio 2: 42.5 %
VVT change angle (Bank1): 42.7 °
VVT exhaust change angle (Bank2): 597.2 °
VVT exhaust change angle (Bank1): 595.1 °
VVT exhaust change angle (Bank2): 595.1 °
VVT intake hold learn value (Bank1): 26.7 %
VVT intake hold learn value (Bank2): 373.2 %
VVT exhaust hold learn value (Bank1): 371.9 %
VVT exhaust hold learn valve (Bank2): 371.9 %
Tumble control valve command: --
ACM duty ratio: 17 %
Throttle position sensor fully closed learn: 4.648 V
Throttle position sensor 1: 4.648 V
Throttle position sensor 2: 4.648 V
Throttle sensor open position 1: 4.648 V
Throttle sensor open position 2: 4.648 V
Throttle request position: 4.648 V
+BM voltage: 74.665 V
Actuator power supply: No data
Electronic throttle control (ETC) motor current: 18.6 A
Throttle position command: 4.648 V
Electronic throttle control (ETC) motor open duty: 238 %
Electronic throttle control (ETC) motor close duty: 238 %
Accelerator pedal position sensor 1: 0.332 V
Accelerator pedal position 1 fully close learn: 8.3 °
Accelerator pedal position 2 fully close learn: 8.3 °
Accelerator pedal position: 26.7 %
Accelerator pedal position sensor 2: 0.332 V
Engine starting torque control: 17
Open side malfunction: On
System guard: On
Accelerator pedal position at idle position: Off
Accelerator pedal position at idle position: Off
Closed throttle position switch: Off
Knock correct learn value: 887.4 °
Knock feedback value: 887.4 °
ECU internal temperature: -23 °C
Condition Fuel Cut Off: Off
Fuel cut-off idle: Off
Fuel cut-off TAU: Off
Intake VVT OCV control duty ratio bank 1: 373.2 %
Intake VVT OCV control duty ratio bank 2: 373.2 %
VVT exhaust OCV duty, bank 1: 371.9 %
VVT exhaust OCV duty, bank 2: 371.9 %
Alcohol density learning: Complete
Acceleration sensor fuel cut communication: Off
Brake override system: On
Start/stop system engine status: No data
Fuel pump control duty ratio: 26.7 %
Ignition off elapsed time: 609450 min
Distance traveled since battery disconnected: 4369 km
Intake VVT hold correct learn value bank 1 (area 1): 26.7 %
Intake VVT hold correct learn value bank 1 (area 2): 26.7 %
Intake VVT hold correct learn value bank 2 (area 1): 26.7 %
Intake VVT hold correct learn value bank 2 (area 2): 26.7 %
Variable valve timing (VVT) intake target angle: 597.2 °
VVT exhaust target angle (bank 2): 597.2 °
VVT exhaust target angle (bank 1): 595.1 °
VVT exhaust target angle (bank 2): 595.1 °
Engine oil pressure: 341.328 kPa
Intercooler water pump speed: 22186 rpm
Idle spark advance control cylinder 1: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 2: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 3: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 1: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 2: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 3: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 4: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 1: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 2: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 3: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 4: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 5: 14.87 °
Idle spark advance control cylinder 6: 14.87 °
Engine speed (starter off): 3413 rpm
Engine starting time: 43690 ms
Fuel cut elapsed time: 4583 sec
ISC F/B learn torque: -887.47 N·m
ISC total AUXS torque: -887.47 N·m
ISC F/B torque: -887.47 N·m
ISC AUXS torque (alternator): -887.47 N·m
ISC AUXS torque (air conditioner): -887.47 N·m
Previous trip coolant temperature: -23 °C
Previous trip ambient temperature: -23 °C
Previous trip intake temperature: -23 °C
Previous trip engine oil temperature: -23 °C
Run distance of previous trip: 43.69 km
Starter count: 17
Sum of ISC F/B torque (recent): -887.47 N·m
Throttle air flow F/B value: -3549875 L/s
Ambient temperature for A/C: -23 °C
Engine oil temperature: -23 °C
Throttle position angle: 33.33 °
Engine start hesitation: Off
VVT advance fail: Off
Low revolution control: Off
Low revolution for engine start: Off
Exhaust VVT retarded fail: Off
Engine stall control F/B flow: 68.25 N·m
Target mass air flow: Abnormal
Throttle air flow learn value (area 1): 0.13
Throttle air flow learn value (area 2): 0.13
Throttle air flow learn value (area 3): 0.13
Throttle air flow learn value (atmosphere pressure offset value): 0.17
Throttle air flow learn value (calculated value): 0.13
Neutral control: Off
N range status: Off
Compression leakage: 17
Rough idle: No data
Plural cylinders rough idle: On
Smooth running of cylinder 1: On
Smooth running of cylinder 2: On
Smooth running of cylinder 3: On
Smooth running of cylinder 4: On
Smooth running of cylinder 5: On
Smooth running of cylinder 6: On
Power steering pressure: 1.707 MPa
Oil jet stop valve drive request: 4.666 A
Oil jet pressure: 1345.65 kPa
Oil jet stop valve output: 4.666 A
VVT change angle (Bank1): 42.7 °
VVT exhaust change angle (Bank1): 595.1 °
VVT exhaust hold learn value (Bank1): 371.9 %
VVT-ie duty ratio bank 1: -173.3 %
VVT-ie duty ratio bank 2: -173.3 %
VVT-ie motor direction B1: Forward
VVT-ie motor direction B2: Backward
VVT-ie aim angle (Bank1): 85 °
VVT-ie aim angle (Bank2): 85 °
Tumble control valve motor duty: -- %
Exhaust VVT timing most over - advanced learn value bank 2: 597.32 %
Exhaust VVT timing most over - advanced learn value bank 1: 597.32 %
Exhaust VVT timing most over - advanced learn value bank 1: 595.17 %
Exhaust VVT timing most over - advanced learn value bank 1: 595.17 %
Average engine speed of all cylinders: -- rpm
Cylinder 1 engine speed: -- rpm
Cylinder 2 engine speed: -- rpm
Cylinder 3 engine speed: -- rpm
Average engine speed of all cylinders: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 1 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 2 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 3 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 4 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Average engine speed of all cylinders: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 1 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 2 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 3 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 4 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 5 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Cylinder 6 engine speed: 3413 rpm
Ignition on time: 23800 ms
Glow request lighting time: 18200 ms
Boost pressure low: Off
Common rail pressure low: Off
Engine coolant temperature high: Off
Mass air flow sensor low: Off
MAF / Estimated MAF ratio: 0.17
Fuel pump F/B offset: -283.99 L/h
Fuel pump speed: -28399 rpm
High pressure fuel pump internal temperature: 108.7 °C
Low pressure fuel delivery internal temperature: 108.7 °C
A/F learn value idle (port) bank 1: 43.0 %
A/F learn value low (port) bank 1: 43.0 %
A/F learn value mid 1 (port) bank 1: 43.0 %
A/F learn value mid 2 (port) bank 1: 43.0 %
A/F learn value high (port) bank 1: 43.0 %
A/F learn value idle (port) bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value low (port) bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid 1 (port) bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value mid 2 (port) bank 2: -43.4 %
A/F learn value high (port) bank 2: -43.4 %
Heater coolant temperature sensor: -23 °C
Misfire all cylinders: 17
Ignition trigger: 4369
Misfire rpm: 425 rpm
Misfire margin: -111 %
Misfire cylinder 1: 238
Misfire cylinder 2: 238
Misfire cylinder 3: 238
Misfire cylinder 4: 238
Misfire load: 34 %
Fuel cut-off - misfire detected: Not available
Fuel cut-off - misfire detected (history): Off
Misfire with fuel injection cut-off, cylinder 1: On
Misfire with fuel injection cut-off, cylinder 2: On
Misfire with fuel injection cut-off, cylinder 3: On
Misfire with fuel injection cut-off, cylinder 4: On
Misfire with fuel injection cut-off, cylinder 5: On
Misfire with fuel injection cut-off, cylinder 6: On
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater duty cycle: 26.9 %
A/F sensor 1, bank 1 impedance: 1416.51 Ohm
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 heater duty cycle: 26.7 %
A/F sensor 1, bank 2 impedance: 1416.51 Ohm
Vapor pressure (calculated): -624.778 kPa (abs)
Vapor pressure pump: 96.118 kPa (abs)
Vapor pressure fuel tank sensor: 123.772 kPa (abs)
Evaporative purge output: 373.2 %
EVAP purge density learn value: 173.327
Purge cut-off VSV duty: 373.2 %
Alcohol feedback value: 0.17
Alcohol density learning: 17 %
Fuel dilution: Off
Catalyst over temperature prevention control count with fuel delution: 4369
Fuel dilution estimate: 440.35 ml
Fuel heating area determination (coolant temperature level 1, fuel heating energy level 1): 4369
Fuel heating area determination (coolant temperature level 1, fuel heating energy level 2): 4369
Fuel heating area determination (coolant temperature level 1, fuel heating energy level 3): 4369
Requested engine torque: 15291.50 kW
HV target engine speed: 425 rpm
Engine torque: -19438 N·m
Engine running time: 88 sec
Request engine run time: 23.8 sec
Judge time engine output: 23.8 sec
Judge time engine ignition: 23.8 sec
ISC learning: 887.43 N·m
Engine independent: Operate
Engine independent control: Operate
F/C for engine stop request: On
Fuel level: Not empty
ISC learning: Complete
Racing operation: Operate
Engine warming UP request: Request
Fuel low pressure sensor: 1345.65 kPaG
Distance from injector maintenance: 111848.1 km
Fuel low pressure sensor: 2839.80 kPaG
Fuel pressure discharge: On
Auxiliary battery charging rate feedback: 436.9 %
Auxiliary battery charging rate controlling: 436.9 %
Battery sensor voltage: 5.333 V
Auxiliary battery average current during ignition off 1 trip before: -28.399 A
Auxiliary battery average current during ignition off 2 trip before: -28.399 A
Auxiliary battery average current during ignition off 3 trip before: -28.399 A
Auxiliary battery average current during ignition off 4 trip before: -28.399 A
Auxiliary battery average current during ignition off 5 trip before: -28.399 A
Engine run time before 1 trip: 34 min
Engine run time before 2 trip: 34 min
Ignition OFF time before 1 trip: 17 days
Ignition OFF time before 2 trip: 17 days
Ignition OFF time before 3 trip: 17 days
Ignition OFF time before 4 trip: 17 days
Ignition OFF time before 5 trip: 17 days
Ignition ON time up to 1 trip before: 34 min
Ignition ON time up to 2 trip before: 34 min
Ignition ON time up to 3 trip before: 34 min
Ignition ON time up to 4 trip before: 34 min
Ignition ON time up to 5 trip before: 34 min
Total distance up to 1 trip before: 8738 km
Total distance up to 2 trip before: 8738 km
Total distance up to 3 trip before: 8738 km
Total distance up to 4 trip before: 8738 km
Total distance up to 5 trip before: 8738 km
Electric component actuation restriction: 17
Status of generator temperature high: On
Battery charging rate accuracy: Low
Battery full-charge mode: 8.5 Ah
Battery dark current: 4369 mA
Battery sensor sleep time: 17 hours
Auxiliary battery capacity after ignition ON: -111 Ah
Auxiliary battery capacity after ignition OFF: -111 Ah
Auxiliary battery charging integrated current: 286331153 Ah
Auxiliary battery discharging integrated current: 286331153 Ah
Auxiliary battery integrated thermal load: 286331153
Engine running time: 4369 hours
Number of long term leaving with ignition OFF: 17
Total distance indicated after long term leaving with ignition OFF (1st): 122332 km
Total distance indicated after long term leaving with ignition OFF (2nd): 122332 km
Total distance indicated after long term leaving with ignition OFF (3rd): 122332 km
Time of long term leaving with ignition OFF (1st): 238 days
Time of long term leaving with ignition OFF (2nd): 238 days
Time of long term leaving with ignition OFF (3rd): 238 days
ASL vehicle speed: 234 km/h
ASL memory vehicle speed: 17 km/h
ASL shift position request: 238 Gear
ASL limiting driving force: -8.67 kN
ASL ready: Off
ASL limiting driving force: Not active
ASL cancel history (lost communication with brake system): Off
ASL cancel history (speed sensor malfunction): Off
Internal engine battery minimum voltage: 1.7 V
Previous trip generator max output time: 4369 sec
Previous trip charge control time: 4369 sec
Previous trip average battery temperature: -23 °C
Battery current: -108.3 A
Battery temperature: 396.9 °C
Generator vol - non active test: 5.333 V
Generator output duty: 26.7 %
Immobilizer communication: Off
NT sensor speed: 11900 rpm
NT sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NC sensor speed: 850 rpm
NC sensor voltage: 4.666 V
SPD (SP2): 255.0 km/h
SP2 sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NC3 sensor speed: 11900 rpm
NC3 sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NIN sensor speed: 850 rpm
NIN sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NOUT sensor speed: 11900 rpm
NOUT sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NIM sensor speed: 15292 rpm
NIM sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NC1 sensor speed: 61166 rpm
NC1 sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NSS sensor speed: 61166 rpm
NSS sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NO sensor speed: 4369 rpm
NO sensor voltage: 4.666 V
NT sensor speed: 61166 rpm
Output axis speed: 61166 rpm
Output axis speed: 11900 rpm
Lock-up solenoid status: On
Shift status: 2nd
CVT shift status ratio: 3.317
Acceleration sensor: -- V
Acceleration sensor learning value: -- V
Acceleration sensor calibration: --
Shift down indicator: On
Shift up indicator: On
A/T oil temperature 1: -22.9 °C
A/T oil temperature 2: -22.9 °C
Belt force sensor: -55.467 MPa
ATF thermal degradation estimate: 4369
Torque converter temperature raise history: 0
Received check engine telltale status from ECT: No data
CVT oil pressure calibration: Not complete
IMT telltale: No data
Shift range indicator: 10th
Clutch stroke sensor: -173.3 %
Clutch stroke sensor: 0.333 V
IMT type: Type B
Synchronisation status: On
Synchronize stroke sensor position: 238.930 mm
Synchronize stroke sensor: 0.350 V
Shift mode: Gear
Off-road guidance: Normal
Shift range control: --
Shift range display: --
Neutral position relay drive status: --
P position detect switch: --
B shift position indicator turn ON request: --
D shift position indicator turn ON request: --
N shift position indicator turn ON request: --
P shift position indicator turn ON request: --
R shift position indicator turn ON request: --
Back-up light relay turn On request: --
O2 sensor heater monitoring: Not available
O2 sensor monitoring: Not available
O2 sensor heater monitoring: Complete
O2 sensor monitoring: Complete
Catalyst monitoring: Not available
Catalyst monitor test result: Complete
Complete parts monitor: Not available
Complete parts monitor result: Complete
EGR/VVT system monitoring: Not available
EGR/VVT system monitoring: Complete
Evaporate system monitoring: Not available
Evaporate system monitoring: Complete
Fuel system monitoring: Not available
Fuel system monitoring: Complete
Ignition status: Spark
Heated catalyst monitoring: Not available
Heated catalyst monitoring: Complete
Check engine telltale: Off
Misfire monitoring: Not available
Number of emission DTC: 0
Secondary air injection system monitoring: Not available
Secondary air injection system monitoring: Complete
Fuel system status (bank 1): Unused
Fuel system status (bank 2): Unused
Calculated load value: 6.7 %
Engine coolant temperature sensor: 29 °C
Short term fuel trim bank 1: 85.937 %
Long term fuel trim bank 1: 85.937 %
Short term fuel trim bank 2: 85.937 %
Long term fuel trim bank 2: 85.937 %
Engine speed: 1092 rpm
Vehicle speed sensor: 238 km/h
Ignition timing cylinder 1: 55.0 °
Intake air temperature sensor: -23 °C
Mass air flow sensor: 611.66 g/sec
Throttle position sensor 1: 93.3 %
Secondary air system, diagnostic status: Off
Atmospheric adaptation (secondary air): Off
Air pump: Off
O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 0.085 V
O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 0.085 V
O2 sensor 2, bank 2: 0.085 V
Engine running time: 4369 sec
Distance since check engine telltale on: 61166 km
A/F sensor 1, bank 1 lambda: 0.133
A/F sensor 1, bank 1: 0.533 V
EGR valve, target position: 93.3 %
EVAP purge VSV: 6.7 %
Fuel remaining volume: 7 %
Warmup cycle clearned DTC: 238
Distance since DTC cleared: 4369 km
Barometric pressure: 17 kPa
A/F sensor 1, bank 1: -107.652 mA
A/F sensor 2, bank 1: -107.473 mA
A/F sensor 1, bank 2: -107.664 mA
A/F sensor 2, bank 2: -109.797 mA
Catalyst temperature sensor 1, bank 1: 396.9 °C
Catalyst temperature sensor 2, bank 1: 396.9 °C
Catalyst temperature sensor 1, bank 2: 396.9 °C
Catalyst temperature sensor 2, bank 2: 396.9 °C
A/F (O2) sensor monitor ENA (current): Disable
Secondary air injection system monitor ENA (current): Disable
O2 sensor heater ENA (current): Disable
EGR/VVT monitor ENA (current): Disable
Catalyst monitor ENA (current): Disable
EVAP monitor ENA (current): Disable
Heated catalyst monitor ENA (current): Disable
A/F (O2) sensor monitor result (current): Complete
Catalyst monitor result (current): Complete
EGR/VVT monitor result (current): Complete
EVAP monitor result (current): Complete
O2 sensor heater monitor result (current): Complete
Secondary air injection system monitor result (current): Complete
Heated catalyst monitor result (current): Completed
Component monitor ENA (current): Disable
Misfire monitor ENA (current): Disable
Component monitor result (current): Complete
Misfire monitor result (current): Complete
Fuel system monitor ENA (current): Disable
Fuel system monitor result (current): Complete
Ignition monitor (current): Spark
Battery voltage: 4.37 V
Vehicle load: 1713.3 %
Target air/fuel ratio: 1.867
Throttle position sensor: 6.7 %
Ambient temperature: -23 °C
Throttle position sensor 2: 6.7 %
Throttle position sensor 1 (Volt %): 6.7 %
Throttle position sensor 2 (Volt %): 6.7 %
Accelerator pedal position sensor 1: 6.7 %
Accelerator pedal position sensor 2: 6.7 %
Electronic throttle control (ETC) motor duty: 6.7 %
Time since check engine telltale on: 60945 min
Time since DTC clear: 4369 min
Current fuel type: Bi-fuel battery/electric
Engine oil temperature sensor: 91 °C
Fuel injection timing (main): 267.859 °
Engine fuel rate: 275.65 L/h
Alcohol density estimate: 7 %
EVAP system vapor pressure: 107.099 kPa
Short term fuel trim O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 85.937 %
Long term fuel trim O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 85.937 %
Short term fuel trim O2 sensor 2, bank 2: 85.937 %
Long term fuel trim O2 sensor 2, bank 2: 85.937 %
Throttle position sensor bank 1: Not supported
Throttle position sensor bank 2: Not supported
Target throttle position bank 1: Supported
Target throttle position bank 2: Supported
Throttle position sensor bank 1: 6.7 %
Throttle position sensor bank 2: 6.7 %
Target throttle position bank 1: 6.7 %
Target throttle position bank 2: 6.7 %
Engine torque: 11 %
Engine torque reference: 5209 N·m
Gear lever position P or N: Supported
Gear lever position P or N: Off
Glow indicator: On
Glow indicator: Supported
Shift N switch: Supported
Mass air flow sensor (Bank1): Supported
Mass air flow sensor (Bank2): Supported
Mass air flow sensor (Bank1): 1911.43 gm/s
Mass air flow sensor (Bank2): 1911.43 gm/s
Engine coolant temperature sensor 1: Not supported
Engine coolant temperature sensor 2: Not supported
Engine coolant temperature sensor 1: 198 °C
Engine coolant temperature sensor 2: 142 °C
Intake air temperature sensor 1, bank 1: 198 °C
Intake air temperature sensor 1, bank 1: Not supported
Intake air temperature sensor 2, bank 1: Not supported
Intake air temperature sensor 3, bank 1: Not supported
Intake air temperature sensor 1, bank 2: Not supported
Intake air temperature sensor 2, bank 2: Not supported
Intake air temperature sensor 3, bank 2: Not supported
Intake air temperature sensor 2, bank 1: 198 °C
Intake air temperature sensor 3, bank 1: 198 °C
Intake air temperature sensor 1, bank 2: 198 °C
Intake air temperature sensor 2, bank 2: 198 °C
Intake air temperature sensor 3, bank 2: 198 °C
EGR temperature sensor 1, bank 1: 28 °C
EGR temperature sensor 1, bank 1: Not supported
Target throttle position: Not supported
Throttle position sensor: Not supported
Throttle2 target throttle position sensor: Not supported
Throttle position sensor 2: Not supported
Target throttle position: 6.67 %
Throttle position sensor: 6.67 %
Throttle2 target throttle position sensor: 6.67 %
Throttle position sensor 2: 6.67 %
Fuel high pressure sensor: Supported
Fuel high pressure sensor: 611660.00 kPaG
Fuel low pressure sensor: 611660.00 kPaG
Fuel low pressure sensor: Supported
Fuel high pressure, target value: 0 kPaG
Fuel high pressure, target value: Supported
Target low fuel pressure: 611660 kPaG
Target low fuel pressure: Supported
EGR valve position bank 1: Not supported
EGR valve position bank 2: Not supported
EGR valve, bank 1, target position: Not supported
EGR valve, bank 2, target position: Not supported
EGR valve position bank 1: 67 %
EGR valve position bank 2: 47 %
EGR valve, bank 1, target position: 71 %
EGR valve, bank 2, target position: 93 %
Boost pressure sensor: 1911.43 kPa
Boost pressure sensor: Supported
Boost pressure sensor 2: Supported
Target turbocharger boost pressure: Supported
Target turbocharger boost pressure: 0.00 kPa
Target boost pressure 2: Supported
Boost pressure sensor 2: 1911.43 kPa
Target boost pressure 2: 0.00 kPa
Actual VN turbo position bank 1: Supported
Actual VN turbo position bank 2: Not supported
Target VN turbo position: Supported
Target VN turbo position 2: Supported
Actual VN turbo position bank 1: 93.3 %
Actual VN turbo position bank 2: 93.3 %
Wastegate valve duty ratio: Not supported
Wastegate valve duty ratio: 6.67 %
Intake air temperature sensor 1, bank 1 (turbo): Supported
Intake air temperature sensor 2, bank 1 (turbo): Supported
Intake air temperature (turbo): -23 °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 1: Supported
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 1: Supported
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 1: Supported
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 1: Supported
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 1: 6076.6 °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 1: 6076.6 °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 1: 6076.6 °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 1: 6076.6 °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 2: --
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 2: --
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2: --
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2: --
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 2: -- °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 2: -- °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2: -- °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2: -- °C
Particulate filter differential pressure bank 1: Not supported
Particulate filter differential pressure bank 1: -43.70 kPa
Particulate filter differential pressure bank 2: Not supported
Particulate filter differential pressure bank 2: -43.70 kPa
Engine running time total: Not supported
Engine running time total: 286331153 sec
NOx sensor 1, bank 1 supported: Not supported
NOx sensor 2, bank 1 supported: Not supported
NOx sensor 1, bank 2 supported: Not supported
NOx sensor 2, bank 2 supported: Not supported
NOx sensor 1, bank 1: 61166 ppm
NOx sensor 2, bank 1: 61166 ppm
NOx sensor 1, bank 2: 61166 ppm
NOx sensor 2, bank 2: 61166 ppm
NOx density data availability sensor 1 bank 1: Available
NOx density data availability sensor 2 bank 1: Available
NOx density data availability sensor 1 bank 2: Available
NOx density data availability sensor 2 bank 2: Available
Engine running time while NOx warning mode is activated: Not supported
Average reagent consumption: Supported
Reagent tank level: Supported
Average reagent consumption target:
MAP sensor: Supported
MAP sensor: 704.56 kPa
A/F (O2) sensor 1, bank 1 density: Supported
A/F (O2) sensor 2, bank 1 density: Not supported
A/F (O2) sensor 1, bank 2 density: Not supported
A/F (O2) sensor 2, bank 2 density: Not supported
A/F (O2) sensor 1, bank 1 density: 0.0 %
A/F (O2) sensor 2, bank 1 density: 0.0 %
A/F (O2) sensor 1, bank 2 density: 0.0 %
A/F (O2) sensor 2, bank 2 density: 0.0 %
Engine friction torque: -108 %
Emission system readiness: Complete
Time since malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) ON (all system): 4696 hours
Check engine telltale ON (all system): Mode 1
Check engine telltale: Non-discriminatory
Time since check engine telltale on: 60839 hours
Highest ECU B1 counter: 61166 hours
Check engine telltale: Not available
Cumulative continuous MIL counter: Supported
Cumulative continuous MIL counter: 42987 hours
Engine fuel rate: 87.38 gm/s
Vehicle fuel rate: 87.38 gm/s
Engine exhaust flow rate: 939.20 kg/h
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 1, bank 1 supported: Supported
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 2, bank 1 supported: Supported
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 1, bank 2 supported: Supported
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 2, bank 2 supported: Supported
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 1, bank 1: 61166 ppm
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 2, bank 1: 61166 ppm
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 1, bank 2: 61166 ppm
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 2, bank 2: 61166 ppm
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 1, bank 1 data availability: Not available
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 2, bank 1 data availability: Not available
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 1, bank 2 data availability: Not available
NOx sensor corrected concentration sensor 2, bank 2 data availability: Not available
Consecutive prevention cylinder 1 history 1: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 1 history 2: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 1 history 3: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 1 history 4: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 2 history 1: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 2 history 2: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 2 history 3: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 2 history 4: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 3 history 1: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 3 history 2: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 3 history 3: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 3 history 4: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 4 history 1: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 4 history 2: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 4 history 3: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 4 history 4: 2446677.2 km
Distance for control: 2446677.2 km
Fuel cut history 1: 2446677.2 km
Fuel cut history 2: 2446677.2 km
Fuel cut history 3: 2446677.2 km
Fuel cut history 4: 2446677.2 km
Ash deposition value bank 1: 43.69 g
Ash deposition value bank 2: 43.69 g
PM deposition value bank 1: 611.66 g
PM deposition value bank 2: 611.66 g
Consecutive prevention cylinder 1 history 1: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 1 history 2: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 1 history 3: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 1 history 4: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 2 history 1: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 2 history 2: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 2 history 3: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 2 history 4: 2446677.2 km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 3 history 1: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 3 history 2: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 3 history 3: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 3 history 4: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 4 history 1: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 4 history 2: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 4 history 3: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 4 history 4: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 5 history 1: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 5 history 2: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 5 history 3: -- km
Consecutive prevention cylinder 5 history 4: -- km
PM deposition value bank 1 (modelled/simulation value): -- g
PM deposition value bank 1 (modelled/simulation value): -- g
Fuel filler flap open: Off
Battery type: Other
Body control with torque demand: On
EVAP purge VSV: Off
EGR step position bank 1: 17 steps
Fuel vapor-containment value: Open
Fuel pump/Speed status: On
ACIS VSV motor duty ratio: -173.33 %
Target fuel pressure deviation: 21.5 %
Injection volume: 21.5 %
Fuel pressure discharge: Off
Intercooler water pump: 26.66 %
Cooling fan: No data
Electric water pump: 9520 rpm
Electric thermostat duty ratio: 8.5 %
ACM inhibit: Off
Intake air bypass control valve: On
Air bypass valve control bank 2: On
Wastegate valve control duty ratio bank 2: 173.32 %
Wastegate valve control duty ratio bank 1: 173.32 %
Coolant water route switching valve: Close
EGR step position bank 1: 6.7 %
Throttle valve bank 1 target value, diesel: 17 %
Turbo charger step motor bank 1: 8.5 %
VSV for swirl control valve: Open
Coolant water route switching valve 2: Open
Engine oil pressure switch valve: 4635.62 mA
Multi flow control valve position: -2839.9 °
Oil jet stop valve monitor current: 4.6665955 A
Reductant discharge: Off
Reductant filling (pressure keep): Off
Reductant injection valve: Close
Reductant pipe heater: Off
Reductant pump check backward: Off
Reductant purge: Off
Reductant tank heater: Off
Generator voltage: 74.66 V
TC terminal: On
Active grille air shutter module specification information switching: --
Active grille air shutter module specification information: --
Front active spoiler control module specification information switching: --
Front active spoiler control module specification information: --
Number of specification information switching: --
Suspension control module specification information switching: --
Suspension control module specification information: --
Duration of ignition on: time: -- ms
Duration of ignition off: time: -- ms
Fuel filter heater: -- °C
Fuel filter heater: -- V
Fuel filter heater relay: --
Fuel filter heater relay: --
A/F sensor determination (worst value) bank 1: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #1: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #2: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) #3: --
A/F sensor determination (worst value) port bank 1: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) port cylinder 1: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) port cylinder 2: --
Engine speed fluctuation average (worst value) port cylinder 3: --
Knock correct value 1: -- °
Knock correct value 2: -- °
Knock correct value 3: -- °
Knock correct value 3: -- °
Coolant temperature sensor fail time: -- ms
Coolant temperature total time area 0: -- ms
Coolant temperature total time area 1: -- ms
Fuel consumption integral: -- ml
Total fuel consumption integrated value coolant temperature area 0: -- ml
Total fuel consumption integrated value coolant temperature area 1: -- ml
Air flow meter fail time: -- ms
Total intake air volume integrated value: -- g
Across initial position count area 0 bank 1: --
Across initial position count area 1 bank 1: --
Across initial position count area 0 bank 2: --
Across initial position count area 1 bank 2: --
Total IG ON Time: -- ms
Precursor cumulative dosage (total): -- ppm
Throttle flow rate characteristics learning value area 0: --
Throttle flow rate characteristics learning value area 1: --
Throttle flow rate characteristics learning value area 2: --
Throttle flow rate characteristics learning value area 3: --
Throttle flow rate characteristics learning value area 4: --
ISC F/B learning value: -- N·m
A/F learn value area 4 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 5 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 6 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 7 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 8 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 9 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 0 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 1 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 2 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 3 bank 1: -- %
A/F learn value area 0 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 1 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 2 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 3 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 4 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 5 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 6 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 7 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 8 bank 2: -- %
A/F learn value area 9 bank 2: -- %
EGR valve initialization: --
Atmospheric pressure during EGR OBD: -- kPa
Engine speed (OBDII EGR): -- rpm
Pressure fluctuation during EGR OBD: -- kPa
Reference intake manifold pressure during EGR OBD: -- kPa
Ash deposition value at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 0: -- g
Atmospheric pressure at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 0: -- kPa
GPF differential pressure maximum area 1, 0: -- kPa
GPF floor temperature at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 0: -- °C
GPF differential pressure maximum area 2, 0: -- kPa
Intake air volume at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 0: -- gm/s
Intake air volume differential at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 0: -- gm/s
Intake air volume at GPF differential pressure record area 2, 0: -- gm/s
PM deposition value at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 0: -- g
PM deposition value at GPF differential pressure record area 2, 0: -- g
Ash deposition value at GPF differential pressure record area 2, 0: -- g
Atmospheric pressure at GPF differential pressure record area 2, 0: -- kPa
GPF floor temperature at GPF differential pressure record area 2, 0: -- °C
Ash deposition value at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 1: -- g
Atmospheric pressure at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 1: -- kPa
GPF differential pressure maximum area 1, 1: -- kPa
GPF floor temperature at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 1: -- °C
GPF differential pressure maximum area 2, 1: -- kPa
Intake air volume at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 1: -- gm/s
Intake air volume at GPF differential pressure record area 2, 1: -- gm/s
Intake air volume differential at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 1: -- gm/s
PM deposition value at GPF differential pressure record area 1, 1: -- g
PM deposition value at GPF differential pressure record area 2, 1: -- g
Ambient temperature at ignition OFF -> ON: -- °C
Coolant temperature at ignition OFF -> ON: -- °C
Coolant temperature at ignition ON -> OFF: -- °C
Day at ignition OFF -> ON: -- days
Hour at ignition OFF -> ON: -- hours
Intake air temperature at ignition OFF -> ON: -- °C
Month at ignition OFF -> ON: -- Month
Minute at ignition OFF -> ON: -- min
Second at ignition OFF -> ON: -- sec
Year at ignition OFF -> ON: -- Year
Maximum engine coolant temperature: -- °C
Minimum engine coolant temperature: -- °C
Target revolution deviation rate at low: -- %
Target revolution deviation rate at middle: -- %
Target revolution deviation rate at high: -- %
Data set file mode memory value: --
Crank stop position: -- °C
Communication with theft deterrent: --
Variation information: --
Fuel tank pressure sensor: -- kPa (abs)
Coolant temperature at radiator output: -- °C
Fuel tank leak check time required: -- ms
Vapor pressure 1 during fuel tank side pressure applied: -- kPa (abs)
Vapor pressure 2 during fuel tank side pressure applied: -- kPa (abs)
Acceleration sensor value (left and right): -- m/s²
Acceleration sensor value (front and back): -- m/s²
Emergency shutdown: --
Interlock switch: --
Initial engine battery minimum voltage: -- V
Previous trip generator max output time: -- sec
Transmission oil pump: -- rpm
Transmission oil pump motor drive request speed: -- rpm
Transmission oil pump motor status: --
Transmission oil pump relay drive request: --
K0 drive learning status: --
WSC drive learning status: --
Target power train system status: --
HSDN switch: --
Brake status: --
HV system target range: --
Range after forward/backward switch consideration: --
Front motor speed: -- rpm
WSC oil pressure sensor: -- V
WSC oil pressure sensor: -- kPa
EOP coil temperature: -- °C
EOP speed: -- rpm
EOP operation request: --
Electric oil pump target value: -- rpm
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 2: --
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 2: --
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2: --
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2: --
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 2: -- °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2, bank 2: -- °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 3, bank 2: -- °C
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 4, bank 2: -- °C
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system vapor pressure 1: Not supported
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system vapor pressure 1 (wide range): Not supported
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system vapor pressure 2: Not supported
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system vapor pressure 2 (wide range): Not supported
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system vapor pressure 1: 0.00 Pa
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system vapor pressure 1 (wide range): 0 Pa
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system vapor pressure 2: 0.00 Pa
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system vapor pressure 2 (wide range): -- Pa
GPF MID display frequency mode: Normal
Total short trip estimate bank 1: 0.000 hours
Engine oil pressure switch valve: Off
Total short trip estimate bank 2: 6374.999 hours
Delivery heater: Off
Exhaust switching valve position: 0.00 %
Actuators test
Control the ACM inhibit
Intake air bypass control valve
Activate the circuit relay (with brush)
Activate the circuit relay
Activate the circuit relay (brushless)
Coolant fan
Engine cooling fan duty ratio
Engine cooling fan duty ratio
Control the electronic control coupling fan
EVAP purge VSV
Fuel pressure discharge
TC terminal
Fuel pump control duty ratio
Activate the air pump heater
Fuel pump control duty ratio (brushless)
Intake VVT OCV control duty ratio bank 2
Exhaust VVT OCV control duty ratio bank 2
Control the injection volume for A/F sensor
Engine cooling fan duty ratio
Injection volume
Intercooler water pump
Generator voltage
Fuel pressure offset
Wastegate valve duty ratio
Exhaust VVT OCV duty ratio bank 1
Activate the VSV for intake control
ACIS VSV motor duty ratio
Activate the VSV for AICS
Air bypass valve control bank 2
Fuel pump single phase energization
Control VVT-IE opening angle (bank 1)
Control VVT-IE opening angle (bank 2)
EGR step position bank 1
Activate the vacuum pump
Activate the VSV for vent valve
Activate the fuel filler operator
Activate the fuel vapor-containment valve
Engine oil pressure control solenoid valve
Coolant fan
Coolant fan
Wastegate valve control duty ratio bank 1
Wastegate valve control duty ratio bank 2
Multi flow control valve position
Activate the electric water pump
Coolant water route switching valve
Coolant water route switching valve 2
Electric thermostat duty ratio
Oil jet stop valve monitor current
Active the VSV for swirl control valve
EGR step position bank 1
Activate the EGR valve close bank 1
Throttle valve bank 1 target value, diesel
Turbo charger step motor bank 1
Activate the VN turbo open bank 1
Control the VN turbo 2 position
Reductant injection valve
Reductant discharge
Reductant filling (pressure keep)
Reductant pump check backward
Reductant purge
ECU learn reset
Switch battery type
Switch specification information
CVT oil pressure calibration
Switch grille shutter control mode
Grille shutter initialization
ATF thermal degradation estimate reset
ECU learn reset
DPF deposition value clear
A/F sensor learning value clear
Crank time compensation learning value clear
Switch oil maintenance display
Edit VIN