Car, MERCEDES, Sprinter 907, 907.123, Power electronics (SG-EM)
Power source control - Power electronics (SG-EM) - 0
Diagnostic version: 00 06 02
Boot software number: --
Hardware version: --
Software version: --
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Supplier: --
Hardware part number:
Software part number (customer): --
Software part number (code): --
Software part number (data): --
Serial number: --
VIN no:
P010000: Mass or volume air flow (MAF) sensor 1/A - electrical fault
Clear DTC
Data stream
Status of high-voltage component lock: --
Switching transistor (IGBT): -- °C
Rotor temperature: -- °C
Stator temperature 1: -- °C
Stator temperature 2: -- °C
High-voltage on-board electrical system voltage: -- V
12V on-board electrical system voltage: -- V
Circuit 30 voltage: -- V
Park pawl: --
Status of adaptation for park pawl: --
High-voltage on-board electrical system minimum voltage: -- V
Motor current (U phase): -- A
Motor current (V phase): -- A
Motor current (W phase): -- A
Circuit 30c: Not defined
Circuit 87/15: Off
Rpm of electric machine 1: -- rpm
Rpm of electric machine rotor rpm sensor 1: -- rpm
Rpm of electric machine rotor rpm sensor 2: -- rpm
Actual engine torque from electric machine 1: -- N·m
Current: --
DC/DC converter status: OT
12V faulty: False
5VRef faulty: False
5V faulty: False
Actuators test
High-voltage component lock