Car, MERCEDES, S 221, 221.183 S 350 BLUETEC 4MATIC L, OM642 - CDI60 LS (CDI)
OM642 - CDI60 LS (CDI) - 0
Diagnostic version: 02 05 34
Boot software number: 9.37.1
Hardware version: 12.23.0
Software version: 12.50.0
Software version 1: 13.11.0
Software version 2: 11.18.0
Supplier: Bosch
Hardware part number: 6429011500
Software part number (customer): 6429027501
Software part number (code): 6429038805
Software part number (data): 6429040200
Serial number: --
VIN no: WDD1648251A907454
18F300: O2 sensor upstream of KAT heater - malfunction
Clear DTC
Data stream
Engine speed: 500 rpm
Engine coolant temperature: -273.14 °C
Oil temperature: -273.14 °C
Fuel temperature sensor: -273.14 °C
Fuel rail pressure: 0 bar
Injected fuel quantity: 302.58 A
Start enable: Not issued
Synchronisation: 0
Fuel level: 0 L
Circuit 15: On
Actual current pressure regulator solenoid valve: 9.029 A
Fuel quantity control valve: 6.451 A
Accelerator pedal position sensor: 114 %
Barometric pressure sensor: -28045 hPa
Boost pressure: 750 hPa
MAP sensor: 10311 hPa
Boost pressure actuator: 103 %
Charge air temperature sensor: 1167.56 °C
Accelerator pedal position sensor 1: 607.53 %
Accelerator pedal position sensor 2: 203.91 %
Mass air flow sensor: 1031.00 kg/h
On/off ratio of exhaust gas recirculation: 37.00 %
Full load: Active
Exhaust back pressure: -14318 hPa
Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) differential pressure: -32111 hPa
Temperature sensor upstream of particulate filter: 69.96 °C
Battery voltage: -403.66 V
Injector 1 voltage: 2.54626
Injector 2 voltage: 0.81897
Injector 3 voltage: -2.95446
Injector 4 voltage: -0.46472
Injector 5 voltage: 3.60168
Injector 6 voltage: 0.56543
Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 250 bar: 734.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 250 bar: 1106.65 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 250 bar: 20.15 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 250 bar: 529.20 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 5 for calibration point 250 bar: 720.30 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 6 for calibration point 250 bar: -1325.40 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 800 bar: 927.45 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 800 bar: 81.10 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 800 bar: 19.45 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 800 bar: 889.90 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 5 for calibration point 800 bar: 734.00 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 6 for calibration point 800 bar: 116.35 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1200 bar: -1402.25 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1200 bar: 658.65 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1200 bar: 503.55 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1200 bar: -1607.80 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 5 for calibration point 1200 bar: 453.90 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 6 for calibration point 1200 bar: 223.50 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1400 bar: 515.55 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1400 bar: 888.35 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1400 bar: 437.65 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1400 bar: 117.15 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 5 for calibration point 1400 bar: 709.90 us
Adaptation value of cylinder 6 for calibration point 1400 bar: 529.15 us
Teach-in cycle counter for calibration point 250bar: 10567
Teach-in cycle counter for calibration point 800bar: 4677
Teach-in cycle counter for calibration point 1200bar: 1111
Teach-in cycle counter for calibration point 1400bar: 14407
Total distance: 11846 km
Rail pressure fluctuations: 233.90 bar
Duty cycle of throttle valve (output): 47 %
Deceleration fuel cut-off: Active
Temperature sensor upstream of turbocharger: 732.16 °C
Engine torque: current engine torque: 56.10 N·m
Engine torque limitation: 466 N·m
Torque request by ancillary assemblies: 182.70 N·m
Engine fan request: 75 %
Torque requested by driver: 625.90 N·m
Torque limitation status: Not active
Fill level of particulate filter: 0.00 %
Soot content of particulate filter: 8.02 g
Ash content of particulate filter: 3.73 g
Total distance since last successful regeneration: 0 km
Soot content of particulate filter (simulated value): 0.00 kg
Total distance since last successful regeneration: 8611 km
Distance from last ash content correction: 406275 km
Generator ID: 25
Circuit 61: Active
Generator communication error: Yes
Generator malfunction: Yes
On/off ratio of fan actuation: 69 %
Inlet port shutoff motor: 97.00 %
Vent line heating element: On
EGR cooler bypass valve: Actuated hPa
Weighting factor of driven route: 0.00
Fill level of particulate filter: 1.97 %
Current kilometer reading: 9983833.00 km
Vehicle speed: 4095.94 km/h
Correction factor for air mass at idle: 0.88
Correction factor for air mass in load range 1: 0.26
Correction factor for air mass in load range 2: 3.64
Fuel pump status: On
EGR valve position: 17.27 %
Status of glow output stage: Undefined
NOx sensor before SCR catalytic converter, status: --
NOx sensor after SCR catalytic converter, status: --
Exhaust temperature upstream of SCR catalytic converter: -- °C
AdBlue metering: --
NOx sensor before SCR catalytic converter, NOx concentration: -- ppm
NOx sensor before SCR catalytic converter, NOx concentration: -- ppm
Fill level of NOx storage catalytic converter: -- g
Requested AdBlue metering amount: -- g
Metering request: -- mg/sec
AdBlue fill level sensor: --
AdBlue range estimate: -- km
AdBlue metering quantity: -- g
AdBlue consumption in last measuring period: -- g/km
Catalyst temperature sensor 1: -- °C
Quantity correction values of smooth-running control
Smooth running of cylinder 1: 103.27 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 2: -306.51 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 3: 103.12 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 4: 146.79 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 5: 225.81 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 6: 102.62 mm³/hub
Start enable is issued by engine control module: Yes
Test counter of drive authorization system: 255
Serial number of drive authorization system: 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 38 37 36
Data status: 1234567898765432101234567898765432101234567898765432101234567898765432101234567898765432101234567898
Actuators test
Fuel pump
Engine/AC electric suction fan
Inlet port shutoff motor
Vent line heating element
Coolant thermostat heating element
Boost pressure valve
EGR cooler bypass valve
EGR valve
Throttle valve actuator
Glow output stage
Quantity correction values of smooth-running control
Injectors replacement
Fuel pump activate
Teaching process of throttle valve stop
Differential pressure sensor initialization
O2 sensor initialization
Pressure regulator valve initialization
Quick teach-in of the zero quantity calibration values
Oxidation catalytic converter initialization
Teaching in the diesel particulate filter after replacing the engine control unit
Teach-in process after replacement of component diesel particulate filter
Reset quantity mean value adaptation data
Reset values for HFM drift compensation
Resetting of contamination level of air filter
DPF regeneration (while driving)
NOx sensor upstream of SCR catalytic converter teaching
NOx sensor downstream of SCR catalytic converter teaching
SCR catalytic converter teaching
Temperature sensor upstream of SCR catalytic converter teaching
Teaching process of pressure control valve
Teaching process of AdBlue metering valve
Edit VIN
Reset learned values for AdBlue metering
Reset of warning message 'Fault in AdBlue system' in multifunction display
Edit configuration