Car, KIA, General, VENGA (YN), 2014, G 1.6 DOHC, ABS, ESP (ABSESP)

Brake system - ABS/ESP (ABSESP) - 0


Vehicle name:

System name:

Variant code: FF

Hardware version number:

Software version number:

Supplier specific ECU number :: FF FF FF FF FF

HMC/KMC part configuration:

BB number :: FF FF FF

Version: FF FF FF FF



Clear DTC

Data stream

Status of filling: 255.000

Test end of line: 255.000

Variant coding: 255.000

Actuators test



Left front inlet solenoid valve

Right front inlet solenoid valve

Left rear inlet solenoid valve

Right rear inlet solenoid valve

Left front outlet solenoid valve

Right front outlet solenoid valve

Left rear outlet solenoid valve

Right rear outlet solenoid valve

TCS Valve (USV1)

TCS Valve (USV2)

TCS valve (HSV1)

TCS valve (HSV2)

Speed limited disable

Disable valve relay shutdown



Steering wheel angle sensor calibration

Auto detected configuration reset (ESP(ESC) only)

HAC/AX Sensor Calibration