Car, INFINITI, Q30 , QX30 (H15), 2020-, NAM, EHS, PKB

Brake system - EHS/PKB - 0


Diagnostic version: 00 0C

Hardware version: 2709010900

Software version: 2709040100

Hardware date: 12 17 19

Software date: 22 08 18

Boot software version reading: HLU

Supplier number: FG

Soft supplier information reading: PC

VIN no (original): WDD1760421J048067

VIN no: WDD1760421J048067


B210C: Power supply is outside valid range


Clear DTC

Data stream

Status parking brake left: Apply 1

Status parking brake right: Apply 1

Operating mode: Not defined

Park brake switch: Not actuated

Power consumption of right electric parking brake actuator motor: 0

Power consumption of left electric parking brake actuator motor: 0

Shutdown current of right electric parking brake actuator motor: 0

Shutdown current of left electric parking brake actuator motor: 0

Terminal 30: 0.00 V

Terminal 15 status: Ignition off

Actuators test


Left electric parking brake actuator motor

Right electric parking brake actuator motor

Move actuator to assembly position

Electric parking brake



Edit VIN

Electric parking brake calibration