Car, HYUNDAI, General, G80 (RG3), 2021, G 2.5 T-GDI THETA III, 4WD (4WD)

4WD - 4WD (4WD) - 0


Classification: --

Classification version: --

Bootloader version: --

Vehicle manufacturer spare part number: --

Vehicle manufacturer ECU software version number: --

Date of manufacture: ECU manufacturing date: --

ECU serial number: --

Vehicle manufacturer ECU hardware number: --

System supplier ECU hardware number: --

Hardware version for suppliers: system supplier ECU hardware version number: --

System supplier ECU software version number: --

HKMC manufacturer number: --

Supplier ECU ID: --



Clear DTC

Data stream

Computed command torque: -- N·m

Computed clutch duty: -- %

Bridge temperature: -- °C

Clutch stress: -- %

Temperature stress of the actuator: -- %

Tire tolerance adjustment: --

Actuator current: -- A

Calibration angle: -- °

Actual clutch torque: -- N·m

Stored vehicle type: --

Vehicle variant: --

Active diagnostic session: --

Friction work of power range 1: -- kWh

Friction work of power range 2: -- kWh

Friction work of power range 3: -- kWh

Friction lifetime work of power range 1: -- kWh

Friction lifetime work of power range 2: -- kWh

Friction lifetime work of power range 3: -- kWh

Actuators test


Motor torque control command