Car, HYUNDAI, General, G80 (RG3), 2021, G 2.5 T-GDI THETA III, Front view camera (FR_CMR)

Speed control - Front view camera (FR_CMR) - 0


Vehicle name: --

System name: --

Transmission: --

Country identification :: --

Drive type information :: --

Hardware version: --

Software version number: --

ECU P/No. :: --

Part number: --

Date of manufacture: ECU manufacturing date: --

ECU serial number: --

HKMC manufacture software version number: --

Supplier ECU ID: --



Clear DTC

Data stream

Vehicle speed: -- km/h

Ignition voltage: -- V

Yaw rate sensor-ESP: -- °/sec

Lateral acceleration (from ESP): -- m/s²

Switch status: --

Wiper status: --

Gearbox reverse signal: --

Left indicator status: --

Right indicator status: --

ESC active: --

VSM active: --

Number of flash ROM re-writings: --

EOL calibration status: --

Latest calibration method: --

Horizon: -- pixel

YAW: -- pixel

Roll: -- rad

Camera horizon calibration result: -- pixel

Camera yaw calibration result: -- pixel

Camera roll calibration result: -- rad